Kaggle Paris Meetup

Meetup #18  Agenda

  • ​welcome by Mobiskill
  1. Meetup status , stats/figure , trends
  2. TrackML particule tracking , David Rousseau in2p3 ( Saclay)
  3. Kaggle learn, Bruno Seznec
  4. Airbus challenge, finished competiton


Meetup status , stats/figure , trends

 Around 1k members , 3/4 meetup by year

 Call for new organizers:

     contact speakers, find hosting / sponsors


 2018 summary and trends

  • Theory : main conf : ICML Stockholm, ICLR Vancouver,  NIPS Montreal , sold out in 12' 
  • All papers, posters, video (not always) available on the web
  • Auto ML / Studios 
    • Cloud : from mamouth AWS , GCP ML platforms (codelabs)  to startup : paperspace.io , prevision.io, ...


  1. Meetup status , stats/figure , trends
  2. TrackML particule tracking , David Rousseau in2p3 ( Saclay)
  3. Kaggle learn, Bruno Seznec
  4. Airbus challenge, finished competition

Tracking particule




Link to David's slides , CERN et al. sponsorship

Two parts challenge :

 1°) Precision ( Ended competition)



 2°) Performance open until march 2019


Dedicated site : https://sites.google.com/site/trackmlparticle/

Unsupervised ML challenge, EDA

Size Train  46 Go for train_1 Test

Metric :





  1. Meetup status , stats/figure , trends
  2. TrackML particule tracking , David Rousseau in2p3 ( Saclay)
  3. Kaggle learn, Bruno Seznec
  4. Airbus challenge, finished competition

Kaggle Learn

Home course machine learning explainability

3 parts / Notebooks

  • permutation importance


  • partial plot


  • shap value / plot



Kaggle Learn

Kaggle Learn


  • permutation importance


Take away 

sort of feature importance : after shuffling a column (permutation) ,

you see the consequence on the accuracy of your model > performance decrease

eli5 python lib , scikit-learn 0.20+

very similar to drift computation

in MLbox for example

Kaggle Learn


  • partial dependence plot


Take away

partial dependence plots show how 

a feature affects predictions

act like coefficients in the linear or

logistic regression

pdpbox python lib

You can also compute the dependance

of 2 features




Kaggle Learn


  • shap value / plot


Take away

SHAP Values (an acronym from SHapley Additive exPlanations) break down a prediction to show the impact of each feature.

How the feature affect the prediction on "Man of the match"

in red/pink features that increase the pred. in blue feat. that decrease the pred.


shap python lib


  1. ​Meetup status , stats/figure , trends
  2. TrackML particule tracking , David Rousseau in2p3 ( Saclay)
  3. Kaggle learn, Bruno Seznec
  4. Airbus challenge, finished competition

Airbus ship detection


By bruno16


Slides for Kaggle Paris Meetup

  • 1,013