How to write blog posts with the greatest of ease

Why blog?

Simple,  Cheap, Unlimited Reach



 My Blogs


Before you start:


Make a goal to write consistently. Hit it.

"Write. Every day."

Stephen King: On Writing


There's no magic here. Just lots of hard work.

What do I write about?

"Share things that you think are cool"

Sarah Drasner. CDA Summit 2017.

  • What have you been working on recently?

  • What technologies are interesting to you lately
  • What interesting thing have you read?
  • Have you seen a tweet that you don't agree with?
  • What did you just learn that you are pretty sure everyone else already knows?
  • What's something that was frustrating or made you angry?
  • Do you have a strong opinion about something and think you're the only one?
  • Did you see a great movie? How can you relate that to something?

How do I start?





🔥 Intro Tips

  • Start with a quote
  • Start with a song lyric
  • Start with a joke
  • Just start

Don't bury the lead


Find A Voice

  • Figure out what your voice is

    • Serious? Funny? Sometimes both? Who are you?

Conversation trumps grammer




  • Write like you talk. It's easier to read.
    • Write in fragments
    • Start sentences with but
    • Throw paragraph structure out the window

"Arrest With Images"

Use Quotes


Be brief. Nobody is going to read it.

How long should it be?

Draft 1: Write

Draft 2: Delete

Where should I post it?

Go to where the readers are

  • FreeCodeCamp

  • Hackernoon
  • Smashing Magazine
  • CSS Tricks

I've written and published a blog post. I'm done!


"Promote Thyself"

  • Web Designer News

  • JS Weekly

  • Lobsters 

  • EchoJS

  • Your colleagues

  • Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, MySpace


How do you write a blog post with the greatest of ease?


Write one blog post per week every week for three months

You don't. This takes work and there are no shortcuts.


By burke


  • 2,157