Burning Japan 2016

Volunteer guide in English〜

Who is volunteering?

Burning Japan is made possible by volunteers.

Not only the crew members active throughout a year,

those who may be called as "staffers" at site,

musicians and performers on the stage,

or organizers who bring in their sound system, 

they are all volunteers.


Nobody makes money, nobody works for money.

That's how this small city works.


Radical Inclusion






Radical Self-reliance




Communal Effort






Civic Responsibility 


Leaving No Trace


3 groups need volunteers

Welcome the participants at the gate and guide cars to the parking lot.


Rangers look after the whole site and the station called "Shelter".


Crew members of Burning Japan and their theme camp on site asking for help!

3.First camp

  • Visit "Shelter" and sign up!
    Maximum 2 shifts a day, 4 hour each
  • Instruction provided before the first shift.
  • You can sign up for different groups.
  • Each group needs English speakers, bilingual or multilingual volunteers.
  • Sign up early or pre-register before the event.

Sign up on site


  • Pick a group from 1 to 3.
  • Join 1 meetup or communicate through emails.
    6 meetups are scheduled in Tokyo.
  • Those who contributed for the prep will receive ticket discount.
  • Last day to pre-register is the 6th meetup in September.
    Or we close pre-registration when the number reaches the limit.



The best and the easiest job ever, greet everybody "Welcome home!"

Volunteers at the gate the first impression.

It is the best way to communicate with everybody who enters the event and it is your position to let them enjoy the first step into our little city.

We need more English speakers at the gate!!


On site:

● Build the gate station
● Check tickets, hand out maps and brochures, count the number of participants.
● Guide vehicles at the parking lot.


Design the gate station
● Design and print the brochure, map, survey and sticker.
Plan volunteer coordination at the parking lot.


From the prep hour on the first day to the wrap up on the last day.

Active 24 hour, each shift is 4 hour long.
The gate is closed at night except for emergency vehicles, the box office stays open in a smaller scale.




Rangering the entire location and running the "Shelter" for all the volunteers and those who need help.

The new location for Burning Japan 2016 is up in the mountain where cliffs, steep slopes and trails are designed to bring a taste.

Rangers are to reduce risks and accidents by rangering and having everybody take good care of each other. It is more about expanding the network of care takers.

Rangers are not police.
They will not behave like police.

Rangers will go out and listen to troubles, however

they never order participants what to do.


Rangers are just as same as the other participants.

It works more like a neighbor watch.

We hope to have Rangers who are willing to communicate

each participant and to watch over the whole community.

Besides Rangers on site,
Shelter will be open 24 hours
as a station for Rangers and volunteers.

Whenever you need medical staff

(or something not as serious to call medicals happened),
lost items, troubles, or you need a hand,
Shelter is a place to contact volunteers for all kinds of help.

Both English and Japanese speakers will stand by.
Doctor, nurse, therapist, counselor, healer, masseuse...

all welcome.

harm reduction



Rangers and Shelter are not

solutions provider.


Let's take care of the risk

while it is still small and manageable.

Which type Are you?

  • Love to talk to strangers, easy going and have a great sense of humor.
  • フットワークの軽い人、がまん強い人
  • 観察眼の鋭い人、コミュニケーション能力の高い人、判断力のある人
  • 正義感の強すぎる人、間違った事を許せない人
  • 場をコントロールしたい、人に指示を出すのが得意な人
  • シフトの間シラフでいられない人


On site:

● Rangering with a group of 2. Look out for troubles and troubled ones. Provide first aid, help evacuate one to nearby hospitals.
● Take care of the Shelter
Burn premiter at Phoenix Burn

● Help register walk in volunteers.
● Making a ranger map. Participate at ranger training.
● Build the shelter and signs

● Make a shift board for volunteers


From the prep hour on the first day to the wrap up on the last day.

Active from 8AM to 12PM, each shift is 4 hour long. Shelter is open 24hr.
While the gate is closed at night, rangers and gate crew gather at Shelter for emergency.



3.first camp

Burning Japan organizers and their camp

Burning Japan is run by a group of 12 volunteers. We are all experienced regional burners and here to collaborate throughout a year.

There are a couple of members who are attending Burning man, which happens a month before, so we are expecting more help at the core of our organization at First camp.


● Art making for the location including the map and signs.
Design paper materials for printing

Equipment rental, logistics

● Supporting First camp as camp organizer


Houres:Meetings are held at weekday night, twice a month in Tokyo.

You can volunteer remotely for translation, DTP design and other "desk works" when you can communicate fully online.


Shouting out for volunteers who currently resides in Niigata prefecture!! (Yes we are desperate.)

pre-registration form

Form in English



Volunteer coordinator will contact you through e-mails★


To know more about Burning Japan, volunteering and art making, please come visit and talk to the regional burners and crew members. Meetups start around 8PM and finish at 11PM, 1 drink is included in the 1000 yen fee, you are more than welcome to bring in snacks and drinks to share. 


Let's visit the location before hand and volunteer to get rid of the grass .

Grass cutters will be provided on site. There will be plenty of work to do besides cutting, and plenty of good food and nature we can enjoy during the trip.

  • vol.1 July 31st
  • vol.2 October 2nd

Please contact us for further details about car pooling and the place to stay, camp out and so on. 

Volunteer guide (English version)

By Burninja

Volunteer guide (English version)

2016 Burning Japan

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