Ruby on Rails

application programming course


Pavlo Zahozhenko

also known as buru

programming since 2005

CTO @ Bezala

in ❤️ with Ruby since ~2007


programming language

  • interpreted
  • fully object-oriented
  • functional elements
  • dynamic type checking
  • powerful metaprogramming


programming language

  • optimized for programmer's happiness
  • conceptually beautiful, honed to perfection like a Japanese katana
  • laconic/expressive


programming language

  • relatively slow
  • no first-class static type checking
  • too much choice can be overwhelming

(but fast enough)

(but there's some)

web app development framework

  • full stack framework
  • all-in-one
  • convention over configuration
  • DRY (don't repeat yourself)
  • MVC
  • rapid web app development

web app development framework

  • way too much magick
  • relatively niche
  • architecturally unopinionated

Other aspects

  • code style
  • code quality
  • TDD
  • web development in general


Ruby on Rails Lecture 1

By buru

Ruby on Rails Lecture 1

  • 171