Building Beautiful APIs
& Microservices
Brendan McAdams
Beauty is in the Eye of
the Beholder
...But You Can't Always Put Lipstick On A Pig
and Expect Good Results
Beautiful APIs Should Speak For Themselves
- Are your code & API are hard
to understand internally?- It's likely the same
- It's likely the same
- Is your API monolithic and slow
moving, or small and
- Is it well documented?
Do you return well
articulated, meaningful
Smaller Is (Often) Better
Build Lots of Small Services
Move Quickly. Move Independently.
APIs are powerful in this model
API can feed a UI (Angular, React/Flux)
API can feed Data Services
No Monolithic Dev Cycle Necessary
- I'm really talking about "Microservices"
Some Lessons I Learned At Netflix
Lessons From Netflix
Build Lots of Small Services.
Make Them Easy To Work With.
Build fast, Build Often.
- Documentation Is Non-Negotiable.
- Tolerate Failure.
- Errors Are Part Of Documentation.
Choose a Good Service Model
Choose a Service Model That's Easy To Interact With
This means develop new parts of as a producer
This also means use it as a consumer
The Two Crucial Parts
Data Layer (JSON? Thrift? Protobuf? Smoke Signals?)
Development Framework
REST + JSON Seem To Be Winners (On Popularity, At Least)
Build Fast. Build Often.
Continuous Integration Matters.
The caveat: You need lots of (good) tests.
Consider property based testing (e.g. ScalaCheck, QuickCheck)
Checkins Should Trigger CI Builds
Only CI Should Have Commit Permissions to "master"
These rules will help lead to Continuous Deployment
Continuous Deployment
I adore the Netflix deployment model
Successful CI Builds Trigger "Baking" Of a Cloud Image
New Image is Automatically Promoted to Staging
Deployed Servers are Tagged with CI Build #
One Click to Promote Staging to Prod
One Click to Roll Back to Prior Version
Documentation Is Non Negotiable
An API that isn't documented is no API at all
- In an Ideal World?
- Code is self documenting
- Code is self documenting
- At Netflix we used (and loved) Swagger
- Describe API endpoints as part of code
- Documentation generated
- Easy to generate client libraries from Swagger endpoint
Swagger At A (Brief) Glance
Swagger At A (Brief) Glance
Tolerate Failure
- Tolerating failure in a Microservice environment is crucial.
- Small independent pieces should mean one thing failing doesn't take out the whole system.
- Lots of small pieces, loosely coupled.
- Key Term: Graceful Degradation
Failing Gracefully
- Microservices let us choose what constitutes a true system outage
- Search feature down? You can still serve the rest of your site
- To Fail/Degrade Gracefully We Need To Use a Forbidden Word...
Circuit Breakers
- In his book Release It, Michael Nygard introduced the Circuit Breaker pattern
- Designed like an electrical circuit breaker
- When things are working: Closed
- When things aren't working: Open
- When trying to reset: Half-Open
The Circuit Breaker Pattern
[ credit: ]
Netflix' Hysterix Framework Uses Circuit Breaker & Other Tools to Help Combine Microservices
Meaningless Errors & Exceptions lead to long days (and nights!) slaving over error logs
Nothing sucks quite so much as spending long hours digging through error logs...
... Only to find out it was something stupid that could have been provided in an error message
Good Practices with Errors
If you can validate an entire request object, do so.
Return every error you find immediately, and clearly.
If you can pass multiple errors up your stack and return them, do so...
JSON supports Arrays, after all
Good Practices with Errors
Provide useful data, not just a generic 500 Internal Server Error
If you have an exception, extract some useful message from it
REMINDER: Exceptions shouldn't be used for flow control
Provide Errors That Make Sense
PHP Provides a particularly useful error message...
Parse error: syntax
error, unexpected
W. T. F. ?
Provide Errors That Make Sense
Nekudotayim' ( פעמיים נקודתיים ) is apparently
Hebrew for "Double Colon"
The main authors of PHP 3+
are Israeli, and probably
thought this was funny.
Imagine how many hapless
devs have misplaced a '::'
and spent hours scratching
their heads...
Sensible Errors
Most API platforms have
some sort of Status Code
For REST, Pick & Document
HTTP Codes
Sensible Errors
Even if you make up your
own silly HTTP codes, make
sure you document them so
people know what they mean.
There's a proposed HTTP
Error Code "759 -
I also like "763 - Under-
Testing Matters!
Your API Framework of
choice should provide good
tools for testing it-
If it doesn't, consider finding something better
Good testing contributes greatly to feeling comfortable that
what you've built works as
Write Lots of Tests
Positive Tests
Negative Tests
Service Level Tests (HTTP
Calls) -
Helper Level Tests (backend
objects sans HTTP) -
Parser Tests
Regression Tests
Voight-Kampff Tests
One Test
Two Test
Red Test
Blue Test
Never trust a test you haven't seen fail.
Beautiful APIs & Microservices
By Brendan McAdams
Beautiful APIs & Microservices
- 4,725