Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Lightning Productions 

Expression Distribution Company

The company that will be producing our title sequence would be lightning production and our distribution company would be expression distribution. We decided to use an independent companies so that we could have much more control over the sequences. Independent companies have a lower budget than mainstream distributors but we didn't require a large budget as our piece used public locations  very little props / costumes.


Lightning Productions 

A real production company that is similar to Lightning productions is Warner Bros as when researching into the company and the type of films they produce they had several thriller films which relate and are similar to ours such as Inception, The dark Knight and the Shinning. These are all highly recognised thrillers which are well known and popular. A Distributor is a company which is responsible for the marketing of the film, and as Warner Bros is such a well known popular company if doppelgänger was produced by Warner Bro it could become very successful. 


Similar Films  

The boy next door is a physiological thriller very similar to doppelgänger and is a film we used as an inspiration throughout producing our title sequence. If Lightning Productions was going to produce a film it would The boy next door as its relatable and involves a stalking element the audience will be able to engage with both films. Another similar film that lightning productions might also distribute if it was a real company would be gone girl. We wouldn't just be producing thriller films though, we would have a wide range of different genre films due to the wide target audience. Thus, we can produce comedies such us The hungover, Chick flick like White chicks, action films like fast and furious and much more. 

After distributing Doppel Ganger we was also it distributed digitally through video sharing platform Vimeo. This platform is an very useful platform for distributing Doppelgänger as it ensures a higher chance of our film reaching more of our target audience. This would definitely be better for our younger target audience as teenagers wouldn't necessarily attend premieres but as they're constantly on the internet they'll more like watch it digitally.  As an independent film we don't have a lot of funding or money so vimeo is a good option as well be distributing our film and saving our money at the same time since its free.


link to our vimeo 

Digital Distribution of Doppelgänger

Question 3

By Candi AS Set One