Scroll-enhanced experiences


Making things move



Before we dive in


Respect user preferences

It's easy you only need a mediaquery

@media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference) {
  /* your fancy motion */

Last but not least


With great power comes great responsibility


We need to answer


Animation, Storytelling & Scrollytelling

What is animation?


A process that creates moving images

@keyframes grow {
  0% {
    transform: scale(1);
  100% {
    transform: scale(2);

What happens in between?


What is animation?


A process that creates moving images

What is animation?


Guide users, provide feedback & engage UX

What is storytelling?


Make stories emotional and catchy 

What is scrollytelling?


Transforms a longform story into an interactive experience


Scroll animations


It's all about human behavior

What are scroll-driven animations?


Scroll-driven animation usually refers to...


An animation that happens while you scroll.


An animation that happens when an element enters, leaves, or moves through a visible area. 




Can we achieve this effect with only CSS?

.fill {
  animation: progress linear forwards;
  animation-timeline: scroll();

@keyframes progress {
  from {
    stroke-dasharray: 0px 1px;
  to {
    stroke-dasharray: 1px 1px;

Universal Language


Motion == Emotion


Ye Olde Way


With vanilla JavaScript


Why you not need JS


the main thread in a visual way

Reduce unused JavaScript
- Potencial savings of 4MB

Why use CSS

for Scroll Animations?


Because now

we can


The scroll-driven Animations API lets you create smooth animations that are controlled by scrolling. 


These animations run off the main thread, achieving a smooth performance with just a few extra lines of code.

Attaching an existing CSS animation


to a scroller

img {
	animation: 2s infinite alternate zoomin;
@keyframes zoomin {
  from {
    margin-left: 100%;
    width: 300%;

  to {
    margin-left: 0%;
    width: 100%;
@keyframes zoomin {
	from {
		margin-left: 100%;
		width: 0%;

	to {
		margin-left: 0%;
		width: 50%;
img {
	animation: zoomin 2s infinite alternate;
img {
	animation: zoomin linear both;
	animation-timeline: scroll();

The scroll-driven animations specification


Web Animations API - CSS Animation API


Scroll -Driven animations with ScrollTimeline and ViewTimeline




Worried about learning new stuff?

animation-timeline: scroll();
animation-timeline: view();

When an animation uses one of these two timelines, it follows that timeline and not the usual time-based one.


Scroll Progress Timeline


View Progress Timeline


Let's create a fancy progress bar


Let's create a happy progress bar


Performance. CSS animations are smoother, less taxing on your browser's main thread, and they render faster.

animation-timeline: scroll(root);
.link {
  animation: stage both linear var(--run-count);
img {
  animation: zelda-motion both steps(calc(var(--frames) - 1)) var(--run-count);

How the Scroll Animation Works

@keyframes stage {
	to {
		translate: calc(-100% + 40vmin) 0;
@keyframes zelda-motion {
	100% {
		object-position: 100% 0;
@supports (animation-timeline: scroll()) {
  /* your cool scrolly motion */


.grid {
  display: grid;
  gap: 0.75rem;
  inline-size: min(90vw, 80rem);
  margin-inline: auto;
.grid__item {
  aspect-ratio: 7/10;
  transform: skewX(10deg);
  animation: skew linear both;
  view-timeline: --skew;
  animation-range: entry exit 50%;
  animation-timeline: --skew;
  filter: brightness(0);
  overflow: hidden;
.grid__item img {
  inline-size: 100%;
  block-size: 100%;
  object-fit: cover;
  animation: scale linear both;
  animation-timeline: --skew;
  animation-range: inherit;
.grid__row:nth-of-type(odd) .grid__item {
  transform: skewX(-10deg);
@keyframes skew {
  to {
    transform: skewX(0deg);
    filter: brightness(1);
@supports (animation-timeline: view()) {
  .warning {
    display: none;

Cool effects that you can achieve with Scroll-driven animations

.content {
  animation: appear linear;
  animation-range: entry 0% entry 100%;
  animation-timeline: view();
img {
	width: 100%;
	aspect-ratio: 16/9;
	object-fit: cover;
	// timeline
	view-timeline-name: --image;
	view-timeline-axis: block;
	// animation
	animation-timeline: --image;
	animation-name: scroll;
	// range
	animation-range: entry 25% cover 30%;
	animation-fill-mode: both;

It's all about images

:root {
	--bg: hsl(0 0% 2%);
	--color: hsl(0 0% 100% / 0.1);
	--underline-width: 1lh;
	--underline-block-width: 200vmax;
	--underline-color: hsl(0 0% 50% / 0.05);
	--underline-transition: 5s;
	--finish: hsl(0 0% 100%);
	--accent: hsl(0 0% 100%);
	--fill: hsl(0 0% 50%);
section {
	margin: 100vh 0;
	height: 100vh;
	width: 100vw;
	view-timeline-name: --section;
p {
	width: 50vw;
	resize: both;
	max-width: 100vw;
	overflow: hidden;
	position: fixed;
	padding: 10vmin;
	top: 50%;
	left: 50%;
	translate: -50% -50%;
	animation: fill both linear;
	animation-timeline: --section;
	animation-range: cover;
	margin: 0;
@property --progress {
	initial-value: 0;
	syntax: "<number>";
	inherits: true;

But CSS is not programming

"Your JS dev friend"

p > span {
	outline-color: hsl(10 80% 50%);
	outline-offset: 1ch;
	font-size: clamp(3rem, 4vw + 1rem, 10rem);
	color: var(--color);
	text-decoration: none;
	background-image: linear-gradient(
			transparent calc(100% - 8ch),
			var(--accent) calc(100% - 8ch)
		linear-gradient(90deg, var(--fill), var(--fill)),
		linear-gradient(90deg, var(--underline-color), var(--underline-color));
	background-size: var(--underline-block-width) var(--underline-width),
		var(--underline-block-width) var(--underline-width),
		100% var(--underline-width);
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
	background-position-x: calc(
			(var(--underline-block-width) * -1) +
				(var(--progress) * var(--underline-block-width) * 1)
			(var(--underline-block-width) * -1) +
				(var(--progress) * var(--underline-block-width) * 1)
	background-position-y: 100%;
	color: transparent;
	-webkit-background-clip: text;
	animation: color both linear;
	animation-timeline: --section;
	animation-range: cover 65% cover 100%;
@keyframes fill {
	to {
		--progress: 1;

@keyframes color {
	to {
		color: var(--finish);

Retro time

timeline-scope: --question-block, --world, --mario;

Affraid of the timeline




What's next for CSS?

Bright future




Keep scrolling


CSS Day 2024 - Scroll-Enhanced Experiences

By Carmen Ansio

CSS Day 2024 - Scroll-Enhanced Experiences

Presentation slides for 'Scroll-Enhanced Experiences' at CSS Day 2024

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