Carol Cuesta-Lazaro (IAIFI Fellow)
in collaboration with Siddarth Mishra-Sharma
Generative models for the Large Scale Structure
Why Carol loves generative models and thinks you should love them too
Initial Conditions of the Universe
Laws of gravity
3-D distribution of galaxies
Which are the ICs of OUR Universe?
Primordial non-Gaussianity?
Probe Inflation
Galaxy formation
3-D distribution of dark matter
Is GR modified on large scales?
How do galaxies form?
Neutrino mass hierarchy?
ML for Large Scale Structure:
A wish list
Generative models
Learn p(x)
Evaluate the likelihood of a 3D map, as a function of the parameters of interest
Combine different galaxy properties (such as velocities and positions)
Sample 3D maps from the posterior distribution
"What I cannot create, I do not understand"
Hall of fame
A teddy bear wearing a motorcycle helmet and cape is standing in front of Loch Awe with Kilchurn Castle behind him driving a speed boat near the Golden Gate Bridge
Emulators of complex processes
Anomaly detection
Estimating non-gaussian likelihoods
Model posterior distributions (uncertainties)
Explicit Density
Implicit Density
Tractable Density
Approximate Density
Normalising flows
Variational Autoencoders
Diffusion models
Generative Adversarial Networks
The zoo of generative models
Reverse diffusion: Denoise previous step
Forward diffusion: Add Gaussian noise (fixed)
Diffusion models
A person half Yoda half Gandalf
Diffusion on 3D coordinates
Reverse diffusion: Denoise previous step
Forward diffusion: Add Gaussian noise (fixed)
Density PDF
Halo Mass Function
Mean pairwise velocity
Evidence Lower Bound (ELBO)
Variational Inference
Approximate the true posterior of the latent variables by a parametric distribution
Evidence Lower Bound
Distance to true posterior
1. ELBO is a lower bound of the evidence
2. Maximising ELBO = Minimising KL
Maximise ELBO to maximise ev/likelihood
Maximise ELBO to approximate true posterior
Setting tight constraints with only 5000 halo positions
+ Galaxy formation
+ Observational systematics (Cut-sky, Fiber collisions)
+ Lightcone, Redshift Space Distortions....
Forward Model
N-body simulations
SIMBIG arXiv:2211.00723
We can simulate the observable Universe, we just need hydrodynamical simulations
What are subresolution models?
Super massive black hole seeding in dark matter halos
BH feedback impacts galactic scales
Black holes can also grow through mergers
Effective models of astrophysical processes needed due to limited numerical resolutions or limited physical models
they can even teleport!
Particle Mesh to N-body
Low Res Potential
True Potential
Corrected Potential
True Potential
We can't model galaxy formation, how do we make our models robust?
Increase the evidence of the observations
Robust Summarisation
What ML can do for cosmology
- ML to accelerate non-linear predictions and density estimation
- Can ML extract **all** the information that there is at the field-level in the non-linear regime?
- Compare data and simulations, point us to the missing pieces?
Graph Neural Networks in a nutshell
edge embedding
node embedding
Invariance vs Equivariance
Scalar interactions
What can we do with vectors?
Tensor products
Node features
Edge features
edge embedding
node embedding
noisy halo properties
noise prediction
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