Which Exercises Are Safest for Varicose Veins

Exercises that increase abdominal pressure are not recommended, including weight lifting, squats and certain yoga poses. There are a number of activities that can be done to prevent varicose veins, such as yoga, running, yoga classes and cross-country skiing, so these are good choices for anyone who has been diagnosed with varicose veins.

The best type of varicose vein training is aerobic activity that pumps the blood without too much intensity. Not all exercises are recommended for people with varicose veins. However, before you go to the gym, make sure you know which exercises are safe for you and be on the safe side.

Some exercises can strain and aggravate your veias varicosas like running or weightlifting, but depending on the severity of your varicose veins, it is better to abstain from one of the following exercises.


1. Walking

2. Cycling

3. Swimming

4. Leg lifting

Which Exercises Are Safest for Varicose Veins

By cbenjamin

Which Exercises Are Safest for Varicose Veins

Exercises that increase abdominal pressure are not recommended, including weight lifting, squats and certain yoga poses. There are a number of activities that can be done to prevent varicose veins, such as yoga, running, yoga classes and cross-country skiing, so these are good choices for anyone who has been diagnosed with varicose veins.

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