Gerald Ford
Gerald Ford's Public Image
Gerald Ford's approval rating, on August 9th of 1974, was 71% until he parted Nixon, which bumped him down to 47% immediately, which he had never recovered from his dramatic drop. The American people generally did not care for him being president because they didn't have the choice of making him president and he walked the shadow of Nixon. Ford's approval decreased over time because the major problem for him was following in Nixon's ways instead of being his own type of person. President Ford was a social person but he was not good at communicating with people. President Gerald Ford's Nickname was "Dutch" came from loving golf.
Gerald Ford's economic policy
President Ford's economic decisions was taken as a joke because of (WIN) "Whip
Ford's comeback
Fords Foreign Policy
had discussions with China's leaders, to be sure of their important
Since Franklin Roosevelt said that their
relationship with The Panama canal had to be
"modernized " Ford has agreed to that and assured that there could
be a possibility to have a treaty relationship.
As for
Fords foreign policy, he was known to be visionary and resolute. He kept
Nixon's foreign policies and his foreign policy advisers. He also kept his
de'tente policy that was going on with the Soviet Union. Ford and Kissinger made it clear to the soviets that even though Nixon resigned he would still proceed with de'tente.
Ford's Role as commander-in-chief
The U.S. conflicts with the military were the Vietnam War and being involved with Energy Crisis. Our country approved of the war at first but later on they didn't want it to go on anymore. Gerald Ford was a military veteran who served in World War II. Ford was a very awkward commander and chief. He tried to do the best he can in everything he did but it just never worked out for him. Throughout his struggles of presidency, Ford still stuck with it and didn't resign out of office.
Gerald fords major scandals
Fords first act upon taking over office was
that he pardoned Nixon for any crimes he may have committed as president. Which
may had led to criticism from both parties, making comments that The Watergate
issue was
all prearranged so Ford could make it in to office.
Ford also faced a domestic energy crisis and a weak economy due to by high inflation and unemployment.
The President's Ability to PRESERVE and Execute LibertY
- IRA's (retirement accounts)
- Title IX for women's HS and college athletics
- Disabilities Education Act
- U.S. Energy Policy Conservation Act
- Tax Reduction Act Of 1975
GERALD fORD slogan was,"He's making us proud again."It refers to his behavior after Richard Nixon's resignation.Ford stood for rebuilding the nation and makING everything possible to make peace. Ford did somewhat deliver his promises. He reduced taxes which in the end created low inflation but rose high-unemployment rates. His other slogan was "Whip Inflation Now." It was to fight inflation and reduce federal spending. His vision was to lower taxes, decrease federal involvement in the economy, and growth by having low-inflation.
President Ford made some good and bad decisions
He was successful with Vietnam andunsuccessful with (WIN)
Gerald Ford's Economic decisions
Gerald Ford
By cecilia_
Gerald Ford
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