Movilidad Empresarial: Sistemas Basados en Cloud y Grid (Cloud and Grid Computing)

Máster de Gestión y Tecnología de Procesos de Negocios

“Blockchain-as-a-Service and Distributed cloud Computing”



Abdullah Aljohani

Celso Bispo

Decoding the Blockchain

  • Introduced in 2008,  by Satoshi Nakamoto to address the need for a permissionless, decentralized, peer-to-peer, electronic cash system,(Bitcoin).
  • its intended use in digital cryptocurrencies turned to be one of many other possible applications across FinTech, governance, healthcare, enterprise, and many others.

  • Smart contracts

Evolution of Blockchain

According to Bletchley Microsoft

BaaS: Blockchain in the cloud

Testing the platform

EBaaS on Microsoft Azure

Testing the platform


  • Providing distributed applications running on the blockchain a scalable, secure and easy access to the services, the data-sets and the computing resources they need.
    This technology relies on the Ethereum smart contracts and allows building a virtual Cloud infrastructure that provides high-performance computing services on demand.

Decentralized/distributed cloud Computing and Storage

  • Blockchain implementation to achieve a decentralized marketplace, where clients and providers in all levels can trade computing resources;
  • The idea of Desktop Grid is to collect the computer resources underutilized on the Internet to execute very large parallel applications at the fraction of the cost of a traditional supercomputer.

Decentralized/distributed cloud Computing and Storage

  • Other interesting projects : Storj is a distributed cloud storage which is going to offer a decentralized P2P cloud storage solution. And Golem is a prosumer marketplace for computing power, similar in some ways to iExec.


  • blockchain is going to impact cloud services and computing sphere,  for enterprises as clients or on individuals( as in Golem and Storj);
  • today’s cloud structure as centralized or concentrated, making the implementations and developments of similar decentralization-based project will cut costs and guarantee higher availability and resilience.
  • BaaS, are just the phase of setting the base and ecosystem, for different implementations and support for Dapp.
  • The ‘pluggable consensus’ notion seems very interesting and promising in the overall technology.
  • Distributed cloud computing and storage, we have read and researched a relatively big numbers of startups and initiatives. 



Baas and Destribuit computing

By Celso Bispo

Baas and Destribuit computing

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