Virginia Declaration of Rights
The Virginia Declaration of Rights many Enlightenment ideals and concepts throughout its text. This document reflects the Enlightenment ideas of Natural Rights, Liberty, Toleration, Reason and Progress by a incorporating it into its right. For example, the first right essential states that one has the right of freedom, right of buying and owning land, and right to a happy and safe life which is a paraphrase of John Locke’s inalienable rights of Life, Liberty, and Property. Just like the first there are many other rights that integrate the ideas into the right itself.
Reflects the Enlightenment ideas of Natural Rights, Liberty, Toleration, Reason and Progress by a incorporating it into its right. For example, the first right essentialy states that one has the right of freedom, right of buying and owning land, and right to a happy and safe life which is a paraphrase of John Locke’s inalienable rights of Life, Liberty, and Property.
Summary of A
This document was written on June 12,1776, a month before Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, for which he used Virginia’s Declaration of Rights as a model.The Virginia Declaration of Rights has roots of the English Bill of Right. 15 years later the Virginia Declaration of Rights was added to the U.S Constitution.These rights were the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety. Specific civil liberties enumerated included freedom of press, the free exercise of religion, and the injunction that no man be deprived of his liberty except by the law of the land or by the judgment of his peers. The Virginia Declaration of Rights was introduced by George Mason at the Virginia Convention in the capital of Williamsburg.
Summary of B
Written on June 12, 1776
Specific civil liberties enumerated included freedom of press, the free exercise of religion, and the injunction that no man be deprived of his liberty except by the law of the land or by the judgment of his peers. Written a month before the Declaration of Independence.
This document influences the American Government because it helped it by having the idea to incorporate it into the Constitution. The document help the the U.S citizens to elect their own government and to allow people to be born free, and independent. It influences the people that have property to obey or make laws from their governor's approval. It also influences the people that do not believe that their government is doing its job or no protection, then we can protest for a new representative. It made the U.S and its communities a safe and better place to be free.
Summary of C
Influences the American Government because it inspired Thomas Jefferson, he used the Declaration of Rights as a model for the Declaration of Independence. It was also the frame for the Bill of Rights
Virginia Declaration of Rights
By cesaralvarado598
Virginia Declaration of Rights
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