February 21

Madiha Tahir

Class visit

and evening talk:

Telling a True War Story: Politics, Publics and Victims

7-9 Gallery Theatre, Lang 301

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria

also called ISIL: Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

  • part of a global Jihad movement that originated in Afghanistan
  • emerges out of the destabilization of the Iraqi state in 2003 and increasing sectarianism. 
  • Scores major military successes in the face of American trained Iraqi military failures.

Lands controlled by ISIS

BBC, December 2016



  • focuses on the 'near enemy'
  • establish a caliphate, replace authoritarian regimes and destroy colonial borders
  • ultimately building a community of true 'believers' globally who adhere to Sunni Islam.

Ibrahim ibn Awwad Ibrahim Ali al-Badri al-Samarrai

(Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi)


By cesmit5


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