Globalization and (dis)order
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Race and colorism
Race is not genetic or biological. It is a composite of socially constructed markers that are attached to individuals with specific biological traits.
Colorism refers to discrimination within a racial category based on the shade of one's skin.
Skin Bleaching globally
In 2015 the dominican Republic moved to deport 200,000 undocumented Haitians, called by some an 'ethnic purge'
government decision explained as a need to secure county's borders
"Again, it’s important to stress that we are talking also about Dominicans of Haitian descent, people whose families will be separated. And sometimes this issue is always presented, sort of a Haitian migrants—and there are Haitian migrants in the Dominican Republic, but also this law will affect people, Dominicans of Haitian descent, or—who can just be picked up because they have a Haitian-sounding name or because they look Haitian or black." Edwidge Danticat
Thinking Intersectionally
Whose death can be mourned?
"Members of any minority group are affected by their position in other arrangements of social inequality"
Women Globally
The United Nations has been a pivotal forum for raising issues of discrimination against women
UN Decade for Women (1976-1985)
International Women's Day, March 8
The Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) 1979
1995 Conference on Women in Beijing
The state of women globally today
Between 1990 and 2013 the number of maternal deaths has declined by 45%
globally fertility rates are declining: 2.5 children
women-headed single parent households account for 3/4 of the single parent households globally.
50% of working age women in labor force compared with 77% of men
19 women have been heads of state over the last 20 years
1/3 of women have experienced physical or sexual violence
Women make up roughly half of international migrants
-- UN Report: The World Women, Trends and Statistics 2015
Bitter Seeds
Despite promising signs about the place of women globally entrenched patriarchy make it difficult for women to contribute to society outside of their traditional family roles
58 million primary school age children can't go to school. More than half of these are girls in Africa and Asia.
Trans gender women
Ciara McElveen
Hande Kader
Transgender lives impacted by:
- exportation of American sexual norms
- Sex work common due to exclusion from formal employment
- HIV rates high (ex. Amongst Thai transgender community, 12.5% have HIV
- high rates of Depression, drug use and limited to no family support.
NGO-ization of the global feminist movement
NGO-UN collaboration critical for the spread of international recognition of UN programs
Economic globalization and the decoupling of the feminine from women
- commodification of caring
- sexualized object
- relationships with non-human entities
Heidi Nast
Women at the crossroads of globalization and capitalism
Erotic Lactation
sex trafficking
Globalization and (dis)order
By cesmit5
Globalization and (dis)order
- 613