Applications / Sales Specialist


Interview Presentation Task


Daniel J. White Ph.D.

  1. Current and Future Market?
  2. Contribute to Business Growth?
  3. Sales Funnel?
  4. NPIs?
  5. Customer Retention?
  1. Current and future 3-5 years market development?

Current = mixed automated and manual

Future =

   More automation in sample prep

   "Digital  Pathology" + AI/Machine learning

Why? Fewer errors. More Robust

2. How to contribute to business growth

Advocate for the benefits of

   Automation and

   Digital Pathology

Careful and Robust sales lead qualification

Focus on winnable sales leads

Help R+D stay ahead of the competition

Nurture the install base

​3. How to manage a sales funnel

Let do the heavy lifting

Qualify leads correctly and effectively

Help marketing fill the top of the funnel

Identify why leads are NOT moving down the funnel

Identify when and when not to do hardware and software demos

Identify who needs tender writing coaching

Catch and deal with all red flags BEFORE any demo happens

4. Introducing product portfolios, into German market?

Germans love new technology - but are also conservative and risk averse

Value propositions need to be crystal clear

Proof of principle/concept must be deliverable

What's the "Story" - Emotional hook? Why care?

​5. Customer retention by sales teamwork?

Sales/Marketing to quickly funnnel tech support to applications team for quick triage

Sales / Apps team respond quickly to "customer can't work" situations for quick resolution

Provide world class training, demos, and tech support - they ask you to come back!


apps / sales spec

By Daniel White

apps / sales spec

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