data-driven simulation-based galaxy evolution

Harvard CfA --- Dec 6, 2019

ChangHoon Hahn


everything we've learned so far from galaxy surveys

... in 30 sec

* about massive galaxies at z<2

galaxies broadly fall into two categories

star forming galaxies

late-type, disk-like, blue

quiescent galaxies

early-type, elliptical, red


star-forming galaxies lie on the star-forming sequence


overall decline in star formation over time


fewer massive star-forming galaxies

more quiescent galaxies over time 



log (stellar mass)

quiescent fraction

SDSS z~0

PRIMUS z~0.9

star formation quenching

how well do state-of-the-art galaxy formation models reproduce these relations?

credit: Illustris TNG

Isolated and Quenched Collaboratory

logo credit: Claire Dickey

Tjitske Starkenburg, Shy Genel , Christopher Hayward, Rachel Somerville (CCA), Ariyel Maller (CUNY), Ena Choi (KIAS), Jeremy Tinker (NYU), Romeel Davé (ROE), Alyson Brooks(Rutgers), John Moustakas (Sienna), Viraj Pandya (UCSC), Mika Rafieferantsoa(UWC), Claire Dickey, Marla Geha (Yale), Andrew Emerick (Carnegie) ...

original goal: comparing quiescent & central galaxies in sims and observations

Isolated and Quenched Collaboratory

quiescent fraction
at log M* = 10.5 

Hahn+(2015); PRIMUS


 centrals: majority of M∗ > 109.5M galaxies at z = 0

focus on internal quenching mechanisms

Isolated and Quenched Collaboratory

logo credit: Claire Dickey

current goal: data-driven "apples-to-apples" comparisons of galaxy populations across sims and observations

simulations all produce the star-forming sequence (SFS)


data-driven GMM-based method for identifying the
star-forming sequence


out to higher redshifts

Choi, CH+(in prep)

Choi, CH+(in prep)

*...don't worry about SC-SAM

they also reproduce the SFS z evolution

SFS in simulations differ by ~5x at z=0


same methods as Somerville & Davé (2015)

why we need data-driven methods

SFS in simulations also differ at z > 0.5

Choi, CH+(in prep)

smaller discrepancies at higher z

differences among simulations beyond the SFS


significant quiescent fraction at M*<109M

Q: what's causing these large SFS discrepancies?
why are there quiescent low mass galaxies?

A: must be...


resolution limit of hydro sims!

lesson: hydro sims are hard to interpret

empirical models: ΛCDM + observed evolution of galaxies

credit: Wechsler & Tinker (2018)

computationally cheap

easy to interpret

Abramson+(2015, 2016)

claim: loosely constrained log-normal SFH can reproduce SMF, SFS, etc. at z<6

they get stellar masses from the star formation histories but ...what about the stellar-to-halo mass relation?

credit: Alexie Leauthaud


for star forming central galaxies

the connection between star formation histories and stellar masses constrained by star forming sequence

the stellar-to-halo mass relation constrains the connection between stellar masses and halo mass

we can constrain star formation histories using the
star-forming sequence and stellar-to-halo mass relation!

star-forming centrals initialized using SMF and SFS at z~1

M* from subhalo-halo abundance matching to SMF
SFR from SFS with 0.3 dex scatter

once quenched always quenched

\log~{\rm SFR}(M_*, t) = \log~{\rm SFR}_{\rm SFS}(M_*, t) + \Delta \log~{\rm SFR}(t)

the connection between star formation histories and stellar masses constrained by star forming sequence

star-forming centrals in Illustris

\log~{\rm SFR}(M_*, t) = \log~{\rm SFR}_{\rm SFS}(M_*, t) + \Delta \log~{\rm SFR}(t)

star formation duty cycle: star formation histories that vary on tduty Gyr timescales

M_*(t) \propto \int\limits_{t_0}^{t}{\rm SFR}(M_*, t'){\rm d}t' + M_0

models that reproduce* SMF and SFS at z~0
but have different tduty

*using Approximate Bayesian Computation (more on this later!)


predict different scatter in SHMR


scatter in SHMR at low Mh is sensitive to tduty (i.e. timescale of SF variability)


observations find a tight ~0.2 dex scatter in SHMR


we add galaxy assembly bias to our model:
star formation histories correlate with Mh history

\log~{\rm SFR}(M_*, t) = \log~{\rm SFR}_{\rm SFS}(M_*, t) + \Delta \log~{\rm SFR}(t)
\Delta \log~{\rm SFR}(t)
\Delta M_h(t) = M_h(t) - M_h(t-t_{\rm dyn})

correlated to

similar to Rodríguez-Pubela+(2016), Behroozi+(2019)

tighter scatter in SHMR for stronger galaxy assembly bias

scatter in SHMR sensitive to tduty and rassembly bias

using r~0.6 from literature: tduty < 0.2 Gyr ?

new constraints find larger SHMR >0.3dex scatter

also no consensus among simulations

tight constraint on tduty currently limited by tensions in both observations and simulations

DESI Bright Galaxy Survey

14,000 sq.deg
magnitude-limited to r~20
10 million galaxies

DESI first light!

<1% sky subtraction

the PRObabilistic Value-Added BGS

10 million posteriors of galaxy properties from jointly fitting photometry+spectroscopy

DESI GQP Mock Challenge (MoCha) is currently underway to determine the PROVABGS analysis pipeline

w/ Malgorzata Siudek (IFAE Barcelona), James Kwon (UC Berkeley)

inference using speculator, a PCA neural network SPS emulator
percent-level accuracy and >10,000x faster


60,000 galaxies --- ~1.5million CPU hours (Leja+2019)

10 million galaxies w/ speculator --- ~24,000 CPU hours

speculator is differentiable (gradient-based inference: HMC, EL2O)

goal: direct inference of galaxy physics from galaxy surveys

simulation-based inference (a.k.a. "likelihood-free") 

we can forward model observations from simulations
(e.g. IQ collaboratory, MoCha)

consider p(data,θ)

likelihood p(data|θ')

consider p(data,θ)

posterior p(θ|data')

approximate bayesian computation

start by sampling the prior

only keep samples within a threshold of observations

posterior p(θ|obs.)

ABC in practice

summary statistics

Hahn+(2017a): quiescent fraction, SSFR distribution
Hahn+(2019a): SMF of star-forming galaxies

population monte carlo instead of rejection sampling 

there are more efficient SBI methods beyond ABC

direct density estimation SBI (e.g. Hahn+2019c)

direct estimates of the likelihood with ICA and GMM

P(k) or GMF

compressed data

DELFI extends this to p(data, θ)
(e.g. Papamakarios&Murray 2016, Alsing+2018)

only tip of the SBI iceberg!

DELFI wiith Neural Density Estimators (Alsing+2019),

ABC with Conditional Density Estimation (Izbicki+2018),

Sequential Neural Posterior Estimation (Lueckmann+2019),

Bayesian Optimization LFI (Gutmann & Corannder 2016),
Inference Aware Neural Optimization (de Castro & Dorigo 2018)


the LFI Taskforce is developing new methods for SBI tailored to astronomy

logo credit: @danielhey

with Arin Avsar, Tess Werhane, James Zhu, Vanessa Boehm, Francois Lanusse, Jia Liu (Berkeley)
Virginia Ajani (CEA), Will Coulton (Cambridge), Chieh-An Lin (Edinburgh), Nesar Ramachandra (ANL)

empirical models are cheap and easy to interpret:
e.g. constraining SF variability timescale from SHMR (Hahn+2019c)

DESI Bright Galaxy Survey (PROVABGS) --- 10 million galaxies

hydro sims and SAMs still have plenty of room for improvement and are difficult to interpret (Hahn+2019a)

e.g. tighter constraints on tduty, tquench (Hahn+2017c), assembly bias, hierarchical Bayesian modeling

SBI methods to enable direct inference from galaxy surveys


IQ collaboratory, ABC, DELFI


By ChangHoon Hahn


talk on star forming central galaxies at Harvard CFA Hernquist meeting Dec 2, 2019

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