Justinian for president

Ruled from:527-565

By: Charlene Moreno

  • Justinians armies won nearly all of Italy and parts of Spain.
  • Justinian rule almost all the territory that Rome had never ruled!
  • Justinians armies were able to win back nearly everything Rome had lost.
  • Justinians armys also had more developed weapons


A picture of soldiers fighting

Code of Justinian

  • The code of Justinian included a law to support the christian church
  • If someone robbed you would get 4x what the person robbed you
  • The code of Jutinian basics were used in most of the continents.

Justinian Code

ART and Arquitecture

  • One of the biggest achievements in buildings that justinian has build is the Hagia Sophia.
  • Justinian build the Hagia Sophia
  • There was also mosaic art which was little squares of different materials to make a picture. 
  • Aquaducts were made to bring water to other parts of Rome, so people wouldn't have to live near the water (bodies of water).


An example of beautiful mosaic picture

The Hagia Sophia cathedral

Extending rights to women

  • Justinian gave rights to women so that they could go to the baths.
  • Justinians wife was very clever so cleopatra madeit easier  for justinian to give women rights.

This is a picture of justinians wife.

A picture representing that a women are strong

  • The romans saved ancient greece, Roman culture and knowledge by teaching it to each new generaton of kids.
  • Today there is still some cultue and knowledge about the past
  • Most boys were tought to be dictators


Books representing on the education the people had

justinian for president

By Charlene

justinian for president

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