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Figure 59 shows that most vehicle-related crimes occurred when vehicles were parked at home. The majority of households reported that incidents of car theft occurred at home (47,7%), while 15,4% reported that it happened on the streets in a residential area. Approximately 67,7% of incidents of theft from cars occurred at their homes, while 5,1% on the street in town. About 67,2% of incidents of motor vehicle vandalism occurred at home, while 10,8% occurred outside the office/shops/at work.

Figure 60 shows that car theft was most likely to occur at night (45,8%), while 18,1% reported that it occurred in the morning hours and 33,1% indicated that it was committed in the afternoon hours. It was also reported that theft from cars mostly occurred at night (67,1%), whereas 6,4% took place in the afternoon hours. Only 26,5% of households reported that theft from car happened in the morning hours.

Figure 61 gives the distribution of the period of the week when car related crimes occurred. All these crimes were most likely to occur during the week, with theft from cars having the highest percentage (68,0%). Crime most likely to happen over the weekend was motor vehicle vandalism (41,9%).


By charlenraymond


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