Making Government Data Work with Big Data Analysis

Towards Smart City

Charles Mok

Legislative Councillor (IT)

24 Sep 2015

Management Development Program for HKSAR government

Everyone is talking about...


 - DJ Patil

Chief Data Scientist of USA

Ex-LinkedIn Chief Scientist

Global Open Data Index 2014

Hong Kong ranks #52, China ranks #54

(out of 90 regions surveyed)

What kind of data is in your department’s possession?

Where are they stored?

How are they used?

The data in and around government is enormous...


along with its complexity, number of sources and challenges

Challenges on government

  1. Meeting public expectations on responsiveness and service quality

  2. Pressure for transparency and accountability

  3. Continuing resources and budget constraints

  4. Impact of technology on operations

Are the data from your unit publicly available on



Yes? Great!

What about those sitting in your archive or computers?

Harness the extraordinary power of govt’s data sets, unlock its vast potential for progress

This talk is about ...


"Data can enable government to do existing things more cheaply, do existing things better and do new things we don't currently do."

– Tom Heath, head of research at the Open Data Institute

Connecting the dots, visualising trends,

ask the right questions to generate insight

Data analysis can help...






big data analysis

The non-trivial extraction of novel, implicit, and actionable knowledge from large databases and in a timely manner. 

Data Mining

in a nutshell

Global trend: Govt, data and smart cities

  • Singapore: Smart Nation vision
  • USA: US$160M “Smart Cities” Initiative
  • China: State Council issued 3 development plans on big data


Hong Kong is moving forward

  1. Digital 21 strategy

  2. Budget 2014: make data publicly available

  3. Releasing Budget data in machine-readable format

  4. Revamped launched

  5. Smart city pilot study announced in East Kowloon

  6. ​Commission on Strategic Development report: Smart City


Case #1: Education

Learning about learning

US Dept of Education's foray into big data

To explore the use of data mining to apply lessons for learning specific competencies

- To analyze courses, schools, and even entire districts



Hong Kong startup, partents and educators exploring EduTech

By Hong Kong civic tech community using government open data

- LicenCheck (an Android and web app that provides a map view of Hong Kong with markers locating all licensed restaurants)

- free service to check all licensed restaurants in Hong Kong

- searchable interface to data provided by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department


Case #2: Public health and hygiene

OpenTripPlanner Analyst:

from providing info for passengers to spatial analysis, urban planning, accessibility research, and transportation engineering


Analytical tools enabling data-driven decision making, alternatives analysis, and public outreach around service changes and infrastructure development

Case #3: Transport

City: Boulder, Colorado, USA

Challenge: evaluate the health of its urban forest and find ways to retain and manage it


  • high-res satellite imagery
  • repository for GIS data
  • programme to seek out healthy or damaged canopy

>>> judge the efficacy of conservation projects


Case #4: Environment 

What else?

  • Help social workers make better decisions about when and how to intervene
  • Personalising public services (e.g. social welfare)
  • Detecting fraud and error (e.g. voter registration)

Better targeting services, evaluating what works,

identifying early interventions


Overcoming the silo and resistance to change

Making data structured, connected for meaningful use

Paradigm shift towards data-driven decision-making

Security and privacy: stem data breaches and fraud

Lack of data scientists/specialists with domain knowledge


 Trust and public acceptability


Data innovation for a smarter, more agile government

You can make it happen

Food for thought: Takeaways

Identify data and content that are vital to your mission​

Identify how, when, where and to whom information should be made available

Determine appropriate data management, governance and security practices

Identify and prioritise the data analytics projects that deliver the most value

Collaborate with the civic tech movement and other departments

Keep and manage your data, know your data,

make them talk to each other, and open it up!

Find out more...

Unlock the data

Thank you

Facebook: Charles Mok 莫乃光


Towards Smart City: Making Government Data Work with Big Data Analysis

By Charles Mok, Legislative Councillor (IT)

Towards Smart City: Making Government Data Work with Big Data Analysis

Luncheon Talk for Management Development Program for HKSAR Government Officers (September 24, 2015)

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