Evaluation Question 4 

With previous feedback with my rough cut 1, the rough cut had only one base track so the feedback was nule, and didn't help with the editing with the music video.later when we developed our video we were given constructive criticism on the structure of our video, as it was clearly when viewed that our audience could not identify the chorus to the other verse. we were so told to create more narrative by linking each scene with each other.

Changes that we made from this criticism, is we created a strong narrative with the use of base tracks,we also improved on the aspect of the chorus and pre chorus, we had the same structure of the 'Railing' scene then the 'Studio' scene to represent the transition between the pre chorus and chorus, this will be clearer to my target audience now. We also establish the 'studio' as the chorus by filtering the scene with a black and white layer, presenting a change in tone and atmosphere

audio review

What I learned 

What I learnt from my feedback and my reflection on it, is with presenting a clear narrative its easier for my target audience to relate to my artist, i found effects and colour grading is an effective use to highlight key scenes and intrigue my audience. I also learnt that adding these features that it relates to the conventions of my music genre, as my video successful portrays the happy atmosphere, which will relate to my target audience.

Cinema feedback

From my cinema viewing I found people were involve in music video and the narrative, with the feedback , there was positive feedback with the structure of the video. 

What I learnt?

what I learnt is the effect and filtering was effective with appealing to my target audience. what i would change is the changing between wide angle close ups, because of my feedback this editing did not translate well and affected the fluidity of the music video.   

Secondly I found that retaining feedback after changing my product will able me to make changes that improve my target audience fulfill in relating to my music video, also by getting feedback i can make changes that will promote and establish my artist 

Ancillary Feedback 

with my ancillary product my feedback i asked  my target audience what went well? what did not ? and other comments , they said the font was appropriate and related well with my theme. They can relate to my album cover and advert. I only had one negative comment as i swayed them to pursue to find a bad feature with my product so that i can then improve them so it fulfills all the conventions of my genre, i feel i have done that as i then improved on album cover so that it would be within all the aspects of the conventions.

I had successful use of synergy as its clear that my audience can make a connection between the music video and digi pax. This connotes that my digi pax has been successful in conveying effective synergy with my ancillary products

Evaluation Question 4

By chay181198

Evaluation Question 4

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