Cheuk Ting Ho




Open Source Beginner’s Bootcamp



Open Source Software?

WHEN did
Open Source Started?

Legend has it all starts with a printer...

Events that leads to the free software movement

  • In 1980 - Richard Stallman were refused access to the source code for the software of a newly installed laser printer
  • In 1983 - Richard Stallman launched the GNU Project
  • In 1989 - the first version of the GNU General Public License was published

WHY we like
Open Source?

Why we like Open Source?

  • Free!
  • Allow small companies and personal projects
  • Everyone can use that knowledge to advance
  • Encourage collaboration

Did you use any open source software? Can you name them?

WHO is involved in

Everyone can participate in open source...

As long as you follow the rules:

  • Licences
  • Code of Conduct

You can be:

  • User
  • Contributer
  • Maintainer
  • Community manager

WHERE can I contriute to

Anywhere you like, but if you want to work together...

  • Open Source Hackathon
  • Python Sprints - start your own
  • Conferences e.g. EuroPython
  • Private sprints - just invite some friends, simple

HOW can I contriute to

Step into Open Source Contribution - My First PR

Let's work in groups!

EuroPython - Open Source Beginner's Bootcamp

By Cheuk Ting Ho

EuroPython - Open Source Beginner's Bootcamp

  • 1,032