Kevin Song
I'm a student at UT (that's the one in Austin) who studies things.
is awesome!
A KSong Production
"Functional programming is the mustachioed hipster of programming paradigms...."
Functional programming is a style of programming which models computations as the evaluation of expressions.
From Wikipedia
-Simple English Wikipedia
a = range(10)
for i in a:
a[i] += i
/* Return the access method type of the DBObject */
static int _DB_get_type(DBObject* self)
DBTYPE type;
int err;
err = self->db->get_type(self->db, &type);
if (makeDBError(err)) {
return -1;
return type;
/* Create a DBT structure (containing key and data values) from Python
strings. Returns 1 on success, 0 on an error. */
static int make_dbt(PyObject* obj, DBT* dbt)
if (obj == Py_None) {
/* no need to do anything, the structure has already been zeroed */
else if (!PyArg_Parse(obj, "s#", &dbt->data, &dbt->size)) {
#if (PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03000000)
"Data values must be of type string or None.");
"Data values must be of type bytes or None.");
return 0;
return 1;
WHERE derp = false
AND herp = true
AND derpherp < 50
GROUP BY merps,perps
ORDER BY burps
Where are the instructions?
int listSum(int* input){
int j, sum = 0;
int listsize = GETARRSIZE(input); //Magic!
for(j = 0; j < listsize; j++){
sum += input[j];
return sum;
Things to note:
int listSum(int* input){
SumObject myadder = SumObject(input);
return myadder.getSum();
Huh? That's cheating!
How is SumObject implemented?
int listSum(int* input){
if(GETARRSIZE(input) == 0){
return 0;
else return input[0] + listSum(input++);
--Haskell is sexy!
listSum :: [Int] -> Int
listSum [] = 0
listSum (x:xs) = x + listSum xs
int listSum(int* input){
if(GETARRSIZE(input) == 0){
return 0;
else return input[0] + listSum(input++);
Statements vs. Expressions
A statement alters the state of something
An expression has a value
Code can be both!
Functional programming is a style of programming which models computations as the evaluation of expressions.
last :: [a] -> a
last [] = error
last [x] = x
last (x:xs) = last xs
last ["a","b","c"] c
listLen :: [a] -> Int
listLen [] = 0
listLen (x:xs) = 1 + listLen xs
length [a,a,a,a,a] 5
element [1,1,2,3,5,8] 4 5
--Find the kth element of a list
element :: [a] -> Int -> a
element [] _ = error
element (x:xs) 0 = x
element (x:xs) k = element xs (k-1)
Prelude> let f x = x + 1
Prelude> :type f
f :: Num a => a -> a
The compiler can infer the type of the function on its own!
Prevents you from cluttering your code by spelling out the explicit types of everything.
Prelude> let dotwice f = f f
Prelude> let twotimes x = 2*x
Prelude> let h = dotwice twotimes
Prelude> h 10
Prelude> h 3
Prelude> h 6
--Attempt to update value of x
x = 5
x = 3
x += 5
Any sort of loop
Passing structures by reference
for(int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++){
a[i] += 5;
for(int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++){
a[i] *= 2;
for(int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++){
if(a[i] %2 != 0){
a[i] = -1; //Delete value
int prod = 1;
for(int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++){
prod *= a[i];
map (+5) a
map (*2) a
filter even a
foldl' (*) 1 a
segLS :: [Points] -> Double -> (Double,Int)
segLS [] cost = (0,1)
segLS [_] cost = (0,1)
segLS plist cost = minimumBy (compare `on` fst)
[(costAtX x,x) | x <- [0..length plist - 1]]
where costAtX x = (fst $ segLS (take x plist) cost)
+ slsErr (drop (x) plist) + cost
double sls_topDown_memoized(double* x, double* y, double** err, int* splitpts, int maxIndex){
if(maxIndex == 0) return 0; //Offset cost for not splitting
//Costs of not splitting;
splitpts[maxIndex] = 0;
if(err[0][maxIndex] == -1){
err[0][maxIndex] = errors(0,maxIndex,x,y);
double minCost = err[0][maxIndex];
for(int i = 0; i < maxIndex; i++){ //Consider costs of splitting
if(err[i+1][maxIndex] == -1) err[i+1][maxIndex] = errors(i+1,maxIndex,x,y);
double costHere = sls_topDown_naive(x,y,err,splitpts,i) + err[i+1][maxIndex] + costToSplit;
if(costHere < minCost){
minCost = costHere;
splitpts[maxIndex] = i;
return minCost;
What's wrong with not good about this code?
static int derp = 0;
int dumbAdd(int& a, int& b){
if(derp == 0) derp = 1;
else derp = 0; //switch derp
if(derp == 0) return 0;
else return a++ + b++;
int a = 2, b = 3;
printf("%d\n", dumbAdd(a,b));
What does the code on the left return?
int mystery(){
derp = 0;
int a = 3, b = 2;
a = dumbAdd(a,b);
b = dumbAdd(a,b);
a = dumbAdd(a,b);
derp = 1;
b = dumbAdd(a,b);
return dumbAdd(a,b);
static int derp = 0;
int dumbAdd(int& a, int& b){
if(derp == 0) derp = 1;
else derp = 0;
if(derp == 0) return 0;
else return a++ + b++;
"Why do you do this to yourself?" --Kelvin Lwin
--isPrime is implemented elsewhere
allNums = [1..]
allPrimes = filter isPrime allNums
first1000 = take 1000 allPrimes
Find the first 1000 prime numbers
void qsort(int a[], int lo, int hi)
int h, l, p, t;
if (lo < hi) {
l = lo;
h = hi;
p = a[hi];
do {
while ((l < h) && (a[l] <= p))
l = l+1;
while ((h > l) && (a[h] >= p))
h = h-1;
if (l < h) {
t = a[l];
a[l] = a[h];
a[h] = t;
} while (l < h);
a[hi] = a[l];
a[l] = p;
qsort( a, lo, l-1 );
qsort( a, l+1, hi );
quicksort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
quicksort [] = []
quicksort (p:xs) = (quicksort lesser)
++ [p] ++
(quicksort greater)
lesser = filter (< p) xs
greater = filter (>= p) xs
--Looks for a value in a binary search tree.
Data Tree a = EmptyTree | Node Tree a Tree
target `in` EmptyTree = False
target `in` (Tree leftchild value rightchild)
| target == value = True
| target < value = target `in` leftchild
| target > value = target `in` rightchild
foldl (+) 0 [1..100000] --Stack overflow!
Though it's actually not that bad...
Difficulty: * * * * * Time: * * * * * Purity: * * * * * Practical: * *
Difficulty: * * * Time: * * * Purity: * * * Practical: * * * *
Difficulty: * * * Time: * * * Purity: * Practical: * * * * *
Difficulty: * * * Time: * * * * Purity: * * Practical: * * *
Difficulty: ? Time: ? Purity: ? Practical: ?
“But I don’t want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here.”
By Kevin Song
Why is FP so popular these days?
I'm a student at UT (that's the one in Austin) who studies things.