ElixirConf 2015
2014: 99 attendees
2015: 257 attendees
Keynote: Bruce Tate
Chris McCord:
Phoenix vNext
- gettext i8n
- Channel Presence
- GraphQL experiments
Elixir Deployments
- github.com/bitwalker/exrm
- github.com/bitwalker/conform
Erlang "Release"
- Compiled application
- With config
- In a single tarball
- Including the Erlang runtime (erts)
- Confusion about 12-factor suppprt
@asange: CRDTs
(or, the data structure for the apocalypse)
- Eventually consistent, distributed data structures
- Not good library support yet
- Theoretically awesome for CZ
@mr_urf: Elm + Phoenix
- github.com/cultivatehq/seat_saver
- (less than ideal)
- I'm getting involved!
Elixir in Production
- Open ports 4369, 9100-9600
- Don't use registered processes
- One-for-one supervision
- One Erlang VM per server
- Use the observer
- "low reds and empty queue"
- "+K true +A 60"
@jessitron: Elixir is all of us
What comes next?
- Stateless
- Microservices
- Agile
- No Estimates
- Stateful
- The Elm Architecture
- "Better" Microservices
- GraphQL*
- Lean
- "How to Measure Anything"
Call to Action
- Code
- Blog
- Teach
- Organize
- Evangelize
@josevalim: Elixir vNext
- Erlang 18 only
- HashDict -> Map
- GenRouter
- Extremely efficient data pipelines
Braintree guy: Ecto
- ORM for Phoenix
- DataMapper pattern (not ActiveRecord)
- No lazy queries
- Queries are just data
- No AR callbacks (and there never will be)
defmodule MyApp.Post do
use Ecto.Model
import Ecto.Query
schema "posts" do
field :body, :string
field :published, :boolean
field :published_at, :datetime
field :title, :string
has_many :comments, MyApp.Comment
|> join(:left, [c], p in assoc(c, :post))
|> where([_, p], p.id == 1)
|> select([c, _], c)
|> MyApp.Repo.all
def published(query) do
from p in query,
where: p.published == true
def sorted(query) do
from p in query,
order_by: [desc: p.published_at]
def for_post(query, post) do
from c in query,
join: p in assoc(c, :post)
where: p.id == ^post.id
def popular(query) do
query |> where([c], c.votes > 10)
alias MyApp.Post
alias MyApp.Comment
published_posts = Post
|> Post.published
|> MyApp.Repo.all
last_post = Post
|> Post.published
|> Post.sorted
|> MyApp.Repo.one
recent_popular_comments = Comment
|> Comment.for_post(last_post)
|> Comment.popular
|> MyApp.Repo.all
Other talks
- BEAM Internals (x2)
- Erlang Interop
- 25% of the conference is using it in production.
- Jose Valim is the anti-DHH.
- We have to be careful not to reimplement Rails.
- Apps are getting more interactive.
- Sources -> Transformations -> Sinks
- Not every conference should be polyglot
- Emacs++ :(
- Devise for Phoenix
- Tighten up the deployment story
- Integrate Phoenix with JS frameworks
- GraphQL experiment
- Better vim/atom/sublime/TM support
ElixirConf 2015
By Chris Geihsler
ElixirConf 2015
- 1,532