Public APIs:
What are they? Why do we want one? How to we build it?
What is an API?
Application Programming Interface
- toolkit/platform to build upon
- write & read data
- someone needs to write code
What does it mean
to be Public?
- powers other software
- we are still the gatekeepers
- technical customer facing product
- common consumers:
- enterprise customers
- 3rd party consultants
- professional services
What does an API "look" like?
"counts": {
"4640": {
"id": "4640",
"dateCreated": "2018-03-07T18:15:13.000Z",
"createdBy": "bob27",
"kitchenId": "7047",
"name": "Inventory - Full Count",
"isComplete": false,
"percentComplete": 0.20999999344348907,
"countTypeId": "1001",
"participants": [
"bob27", "bob25"
"4661": {
"id": "4661",
"dateCreated": "2018-03-08T17:44:21.000Z",
"createdBy": "bob27",
"kitchenId": "7047",
"name": "Inventory - Full Count",
"isComplete": false,
"percentComplete": 0.5299999713897705,
"countTypeId": "1001",
"description": "",
"participants": [
"id": "1e0cd95c-eced-4950-bc26-4b0bfefdbf5f",
"name": "Opening Duties",
"day": "2018-04-12",
"sections": [
"name": "Sweep Walk in",
"type": "boolean",
"value": true
"name": "Test1",
"type": "text",
"entries": [
"text": "A very important VIP came in today!",
"updatedby": "appleavero",
"dateUPdated": "2018-04-12T15:53:00.000Z"
"name": "Check booths",
"type": "boolean",
"value": false
Why is having a Public API important?
Enterprise Customers
A public API is a tool that can be used to bridge the gap between features that all of our customers want and a specific feature that one customer really wants.
- fold Avero into existing process/workflow
- company specific reports/metrics
- customer retention
Example: Bookings + Logbook
Example: Event Sync
Example: BI Solution
Enabling Partnerships
- production ready access
- leverage their expertise
- additional exposure
Internal Innovation
- tool for creative problem solving
- build POCs quickly
- ...?
Becoming a Platform
An API is a public statement, defining the standards we think should be used.
How do we Build a Public API?
APIs are Products
- owned by a team
- generic, but with personas in mind
- well written & maintained documentation
Built on Internal APIs
Questions? Comments?
Public APIs:
By Chris Langager
Public APIs:
- 263