Partial Equilibrium
Christopher Makler
Stanford University Department of Economics
Econ 50: Lecture 22
Fundamental Economic Questions
What, as a society, do we produce?
Who gets what?
How do we decide?
If you were an omniscient
"social planner" in charge of everything, how would you
make these decisions?
How do billions of people
coordinate their economic activities?
What does it mean to
"let the market decide"
what to produce?
Responding to Prices
Weeks 5-6: Consumer Theory
Firms face prices and
choose how much to produce
Consumers face prices and
choose how much to buy
Weeks 7-8: Theory of the Firm
Competitive Equilibrium
Consumers and producers are small relative to the market
(like an individual firefly)
and make one decision: how much to buy or sell at the market price.
Equilibrium occurs when
the market price is such that
the total quantity demanded
equals the total quantity supplied
Equilibrium in General
Definition 1: a situation which economic forces are "balanced"
Definition 2: a situation which is
self-replicating: \(x = f(x)\)
Transition dynamics: excess demand and supply
Stability of Equilibria
All forces can be in balance in different ways.
Uniqueness of Equilibrium
Sometimes things can go multiple different ways...
Assumptions of
Perfect Competition
Perfect information
Homogeneous good
Lots of buyers and sellers
Free entry and exit
Individual and Market Demand
Individual demand curve, \(d^i(p)\): quantity demanded by consumer \(i\) at each possible price
Market demand sums across all consumers:
If all of those consumers are identical and demand the same amount \(d(p)\):
There are \(N_C\) consumers, indexed with superscript \(i \in \{1, 2, 3, ..., N_C\}\).
Market demand curve, \(D(p)\): quantity demanded by all consumers at each possible price
Market demand sums across all consumers:
Check Your Understanding
Suppose there are \(N_C = 64\) identical consumers, each of whom has income \(m = 100\) and preferences which can be represented by the Cobb-Douglas utility function
What is the expression for market demand?
Individual and Market Supply
Firm supply curve, \(s^j(p)\): quantity supplied by firm \(j\) at each possible price
Market supply sums across all firms:
If all of those firms are identical and supply the same amount \(s(p)\):
There are \(N_F\) competitive firms, indexed with superscript \(j \in \{1, 2, 3, ..., N_F\}\).
Market supply curve, \(S(p)\): quantity supplied by all firms at each possible price
Check Your Understanding
Suppose there are \(N_F = 16\) identical firms, each of whom has a fixed level of capital at \(\overline K = 2\), pays wage rate \(w = 4\), and whose production function is
What is the expression for market supply?
Calculating Partial Equilibrium
Price \(p^*\) is an equilibrium price in a market if:
1. Consumer Optimization: each consumer \(i\) is consuming a quantity \(x_i^*(p^*)\) that solves their utility maximization problem.
2. Firm Optimization: each firm \(j\) is producing a quantity \(q_j^*(p^*)\) that solves their profit maximization problem.
3. Market Clearing: the total quantity demanded by all consumers equals the total quantity supplied by all firms.
"Marginal benefit in dollars per unit of good 1"
\(N_C\) identical consumers, each of whom
has income \(m\) and the utility function
\(N_F\) identical firms produce good 1, each of which
has capital \(\overline K\) and the production function
1. Solve for the equilibrium price and quantity if \(\alpha = \frac{1}{4}, m = 100, N_C = 64, w = 4, \overline K = 2, N_F = 16\)
2. Solve for general formula for the equilibrium price and quantity.
2. Solve for general formula for the equilibrium price and quantity.
Important Note: Three Kinds of “=" Signs
1. Mathematical Identity: holds by definition
2. Optimization condition: holds when an agent is optimizing
3. Equilibrium condition: holds when a system is in equilibrium
What happens if not everyone is identical?
Two consumers:
Consumer Optimization: Each consumer sets MRS = price ratio
Market Demand: Sum up individual demands for all people:
This leads to the individual demand functions:
Market Demand: Sum up individual demands for all people:
Suppose that Adam's preferences were instead given by
\(u^A(x_1,x_2) = 16 \ln x_1 + x_2\)
If Eve's preferences were still
\(u^E(x_1,x_2) = 4 \ln x_1 + x_2\)
what would the market demand be?
Two firms: Subway's has \(\overline K = 2\), Togo's has \(\overline K =1\), both pay wage rate \(w = 4\).
Firm Optimization: Each firm sets P = MC
Market Supply: Sum up individual supply for all firms:
Solving for \(q_S\) and \(q_T\) gives us the firms' individual supply functions:
Market Supply: Sum up individual supply for all firms:
Let's bring our consumers and firms together!
1. Consumer Optimization: each consumer \(i\) is consuming a quantity \(x_i^*(p^*)\) that solves their utility maximization problem.
2. Firm Optimization: each firm \(j\) is producing a quantity \(q_j^*(p^*)\) that solves their profit maximization problem.
3. Market Clearing: the total quantity demanded by all consumers equals the total quantity supplied by all firms.
Note: if we go back to the individual demand
and supply functions, we get:
Endogenizing the Price
Previously: agents took the price
"as given" (exogenous) - it was determined outside the model
Today: we endogenized
the market price by analyzing the model where it's determined
Next time: how do government policies (taxes and subsidies) affect this price?
Econ 50 | Lecture 22
By Chris Makler
Econ 50 | Lecture 22
Bringing supply and demand together
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