Infinitely Repeated Games
Christopher Makler
Stanford University Department of Economics
Econ 51: Lecture 13
"Present Value" for two periods
Beyond Two Periods
If you save \(s\) now, you get \(x = s(1 + r)\) next period.
The amount you have to save in order to get \(x\) one period in the future is
Remember how we got this...
If you save \(s\) now, you get \(x = s(1 + r)\) next period.
The amount you have to save in order to get \(x\) one period in the future is
If you save for two periods, it grows at interest rate \(r\) again, so \(x_2 = (1+r)(1+r)s = (1+r)^2s\)
Therefore, the amount you have to save in order to get \(x_2\) two periods in the future is
If you save for two periods, it grows at interest rate \(r\) again, so \(x_2 = (1+r)(1+r)s = (1+r)^2s\)
Therefore, the amount you have to save in order to get \(x_2\) two periods in the future is
If you save for \(t\) periods, it grows at interest rate \(r\) each period, so \(x_t = (1+r)^ts\)
Therefore, the amount you have to save in order to get \(x_t\), \(t\) periods in the future, is
Therefore, the amount you have to save in order to get \(x_t\), \(t\) periods in the future, is
We call this the present value of a payoff of \(x_t\)
The present value of an income stream is the sum of the present values in each period:
Evaluating Infinite Payoffs
The present value of a stream of payoffs
(\(\pi_0\) now, \(\pi_1\) in the next period, \(\pi_2\) two periods from now, etc)
may be given by the sum
The present value of a stream of payoffs of \(x\) in every period is
Value of getting payoff \(x\) forever, starting now:
Value of getting payoff \(z\) forever, starting next period:
Value of getting payoff \(y\) now and then payoff \(z\) forever after:
Copy of Econ 51 | Spring 23 | 1 | Welcome and Intertemporal Consumption
By Chris Makler
Copy of Econ 51 | Spring 23 | 1 | Welcome and Intertemporal Consumption
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