GraphQL vs REST

Talk Goals

  • A recap on server to server networking
  • Compare SOAP, REST and GraphQL
  • Consider why REST is NOT the best networking standard
  • Discuss the fundamentals of GraphQL
  • Write some fun GraphQL examples

Us vs GraphQL


Us vs GraphQL


Speaker Bio

Christian (codebeast) Nwamba

  • Developer Advocate at Cloudinary
  • Program Manager at
  • forLoop Africa co-organizer
  • Frontstack co-organizer
  • Author

@codebeast on Twitter

Server to Server Networking




That is a blueprint.

How is the actual process completed?

Remember SOAP?

  • Stands for "Simple Object Access Protocol"
  • The "Simple" in the definition is a big lie
  • SOAP os based on XML and too wordy for data transmission
  • SOAP is heavy

Remember REST? Bet you do!

  • Gentle with the brain
  • Lightweight (JSON is lighter than XML
  • Descriptive. You can easily tell that we have a table-like data structure
  • Verbs are used to describe HTTP actions

So...why not just REST?

Under/Over Fetching Content

GET /users/<id>


    name: John,

    age: 25


Under/Over Fetching Content

GET /users/<id>/posts


    title: Hello,

    date: 5s




The `/<id>` route could have fetched each user's posts but we are not sure when the client actually needs it.

Observations: Over Fetching

  • If we included the posts as part of the response
  • And the client does not need it,
  • Over fetching occurs
  • And causes a negative impact on performance

Observations: Under Fetching

  • If we decide NOT to include it as we are doing in the previous illustrations
  • And the client ends up needing it,
  • Under fetching occurs
  • The client has to make a second trip to the network for it

"It should be about what the client needs, NOT what the architect thinks that the client would need." - codebeast


  • Don't give me his or her email​


  • Don't give me his or her name


  • And don't make me fetch twice (user and posts)

So if I want just the user id and a list of the user's posts:


  • REST as a means is too flexible. Validation is hard.
  • There are no sure means of knowing what an API schema looks like.
  • We rely mostly on API docs which is hardly reliable

Prototyping Friction

  • REST as a protocol is too inflexible
  • There's a stiff structure that makes it hard to change based on client demand
  • Most times when the user demands an awesome feature on the client, we might always need to adjust the endpoints to suit that 

Even more problems...

  • Had a type system that serves as a data contract for both the client and the server?
  • Had just one URL endpoint...
  • ...And we can send all queries/writes from the client directly and not rely on URLs to define our capabilities
  • Had a way to self-document APIs based on defined types and structure?

What if we...

Say hello to... GraphQL

GraphQL Fundamentals

Schema Definition Language

  • SDL is the type language that GraphQL understands

  • A type is a contract that both the server and the client must adhere to. Any violation throws an early error.

Since SDL is the type language, what then does a type look like?


Type Name


Field Type



Type Anatomy

Scalar Types Custom Types Other Base Types
Int Todo Query
String User Mutation
Float Post enum
DateTime Cart interface
Boolean Animals

Type of Types

Custom Types

Query and Mutation Base Types

Play Time



GraphQL vs REST

By Christian Nwamba

GraphQL vs REST

  • 662