CLP Eng Best Practices
Official Angular 2 Style Guide
- Current Version:
- Angular 1 Version:
- Angular 1 Sample Project:
Application Structure!#overall-structural-guidelines
Top Changes
- Folders-by-Feature structure
- `feature.type.js` naming convention
- `shared` folder
Key Differences/Proposals
- Continue to keep view layouts separately while still using Angular 1.x: Angular 1 [Y151] style rule
- Prefix `shared` folder as `$shared`
CLP Proposed Structure
+-- client/
| +-- $shared/
| +-- group/
| +-- group.model.js // Eliminate by just using Tyr models?
| +-- group.service.js
| +-- user/
| +-- user.model.js // Eliminate by just using Tyr models?
| +-- user.service.js
| +-- alignment/
| +-- triangle-layer-item.controller.js // Sub-folders as needed
| +-- triangle-layer-item.directive.js
| +-- triangle-layer-item.service.js
+-- common/
| +-- mixins/ // Eliminate by just using Tyr models?
| +-- common-mixin.js
| +-- group-mixin.js
| +-- user-mixin.js
+-- server/
| +-- $shared/
| +-- group/
| +-- group.model.js
| +-- group.service.js // Combine with Tyr model?
| +-- user/
| +-- user.model.js
| +-- user.service.js // Combine with Tyr model?
| +-- alignment/
| +-- triangle.controller.js
| +-- presentation-notes.controller.js
+-- client/
+-- common/
+-- server/
Misc Notes
- Ideal: Feature folders could be refactored into a standalone client or server module
- Move some classes out of `lib/` to `app/`
- Ex: `lib/angularUtils/client/services/user.js`
- Use import barrels (link)
Analytics (Telemetry)
- When to log from client vs server
- Sharing functionality between Tyr and $angulartics
- Argument format: ObjectIds on server, strings on client
- Naming convention
- Past vs present tense
CLP Eng Best Practices
By Christian Yang
CLP Eng Best Practices
- 406