international medical charity

Helping others is a fundamental aspect of morality. It is part of our human nature to be compassionate and loving to our fellow others. Since the need for help and to help is so deeply engrained in us, I decided to do a presentation on how currently medical charities help and how my charity could help others.


Medicine in the US has become dominated with a collective of large, commercially based corporations nicknamed "Big Pharma". In a system where medical care and drug supply is strictly controlled for the profit of a few people, a voice must resist. WHO reports that half of the world's population does not receive even basic medical services.  

Big Pharma

aidX strives to provide needed medical help to third world countries. Backed by world governments and charities, aidX strategically places doctors in areas that lack hospitals and proper medical resources. 


X is the universal symbol for variability. In the name aidX, we are expressing our principle to provide aid to anyone who requires assistance, no matter their sex, gender, race, ethnicity, or sexual preference.


In branding, blue garners the emotion 'trust' from viewers. By designing our logo in a blue gradient, we are trying to express this very message to the people we care to. Moreover, the X symbolizes variability and shows that our organization helps anyone who is in need free of discrimination.


aid for anyone



aidX positions itself to help people in places where medical accessibility is weak or nonexistent. South American and Africa are our areas of priority. Outposts with teams of doctors are spread across regions to apply medical care and distribute needed resources. All medical care is free of charge and funded by our charity partners and governments.


aidX derives most of its funding from government aid. Governments part of UN consistently provide aidX with funds to cover a portion of the expenses. The home country then pitches in all they can as they hope to create a viable medical ecosystem in their country. During wars or epidemics, worldwide governments are encouraged to donate to our funds for allocation into parts of the world that absolutely need aid. Being a charity, we allocate resources based on needs and not on political influences.

Government Aid


aidX also allows for personal charitable contributions and non-profit donations. We receive tons of donations ranging from ordinary people to billionaire businesspeople. Furthermore, we receive contributions from other non-profits that align with our mission. Sometimes, other non-profits are not able to enter the logistical infrastructure we have set and may choose to partner with us through donation.



We have strategic partnerships with almost every drug company in the world. They have high mark-up prices when selling their brand-name drugs to first world countries as these countries have covered healthcare. Since we are providing medical care to a target market that cannot afford their product anyways, these pharmaceutical companies provide steep discounts to our bulk requests. By forming these strategic partnerships, their profits are not jeopardized and people's lives are saved.


With What?

We will make sure our charity focuses on marketing and we will have a large impact on Western media. Setting up PSA campaigns, we will be able to motivate and inspire millions of people. These people will in turn help us either indirectly or directly. This way, we are able to raise awareness for any cause and also be funded financially through donors that come from our media campaigns. 

PSA Campaigns

With What?

During times of need, our doctors will rise from reserves and join our active doctors at areas in need. This may include war fronts, immigrant populations, and even contagious outbreaks. We have a direct link with where ever aid is needed. 

Direct Medical Effort

With What?

Our doctors and medical services remain active in areas where these resources are not founded. We are always working to provide medical care in these areas. We believe that everyone should deserve help and our active doctors are always working in these areas.

Daily Active

19 Avenue de la paix
1202 Geneva
Tel: +41 22 734 60 01
Fax: +41 22 733 20 57



This is the logo of the International Red Cross Committe. The cross in the middle signifies the Swiss flag and thus recognizes the historical connection between Switzerland and the original Geneva Convention.


These two mottos signifies the mission statement of the Red Cross movement. It shows that during times of war, charity (compassion) shall be emphasized. As a collective humane race, we should strive towards peace as best we can.

"Inter Arma Caritas"


"In War, Charity"


"With humanity, towards Peace"

The Red Cross Movement was made to bring assistance to the wounded on the battlefield at an international level. Their audience is those who are wounded and suffering and to aid them without discrimination. Being an international humanitarian cause, the Red Cross helps everyone and anyone who is in need.

Target Audience


Red Cross Movements in every country runs blood banks. They partner with local charities to receive donations to make sure that supplies of blood in hospitals are met. At war time, these supplies of blood are mobilized for international aid and charity.

Blood Donation


During war times, the Red Cross visited and monitored POW camps, organized relief assistance for civilians, and administered the exchange of messages.



Red Cross societies in every country help with emergency and disaster relief. From floods to fires to other incidents that cause large-scale damage, Red Cross helps out in all aspects of aid. They provide access to essential services, reunify families, and prepare communities for emergencies.

Natural Disaster


The Red Cross is majorly funded by voluntary donations from civilians. They also receive donations through entities by partnerships, grants, and large donations. Other than this, they also receive some funds through cost-recovery fees such as fees from blood donation and services. 



At times, the federal and state government of local Red Cross societies will provide assistance by providing material aid and resource assistance. Usually, the government is contracting Red Cross for these relief efforts. 



SJ12 - NGO

By Chris Wong

SJ12 - NGO

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