What do we mean by creativity 

Work out your meaning of creativity 

Take a look at the definitions 

As a group create your definition of creativity 

As a group come up with 5 ways to ensure that you help your pupils develop creativity 

I know stuff + you know stuff  

I have some ideas + you have expectations 

What do you want to takeaway? 


Raising Standards, developing employability 

National Curriculum 2014

42 'create' words 
Creative - 12 times 
Creativity - 2 times 

Ofsted (2010) Learning: creative approaches that raise standards


CBI (2012) Learning to grow: what employers need from education and skills

CBI (2012) First steps: a new approach for our schools CBI

Clare Fenwick 

Copy of Creativity: raising standards, improving employability

By Clare Fenwick

Copy of Creativity: raising standards, improving employability

Presentation for PedagooSW June 2014 Clare Fenwick

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