Econ 212: GIS

Library Session

Ryan Clement | go/ryan/

who am I?

  • I'm Ryan, the Data Services Librarian
  • I use he/him/his pronouns
  • I work with the Economics, Geography, Sociology/Anthropology, & Philosophy departments
  • I help people find and use data
  • I can help with all stages of your research!
  • You can find more at go/ryan/

what are we covering today?

  • what is GIS? what is spatial data?
  • what can you use GIS for?
  • using QGIS to extract data from a spatial data file

First...what is GIS?

  • GIS stands for Geographic Information System
  • GIS is a tool used to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present geographic data
  • The data used with GIS is spatial data (data that is referenced to points on the Earth)
  • GIS is not a map!

maps are made of layers

What are our possible layers?

  • basemap
  • state/administrative borders
  • locations of places (e.g. mine locations)
  • satellite data (e.g. nighttime light data)
  • etc...

Let's make a map!


By Ryan Clement


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