Have you ever tried to learn English?













How to teach without translation or grammar

online ?


1.1 What is the best way to teach Eglish?

1.2 Tech-Learning

Online Teaching.

Blended learning.




2. TECH-Strategy




How we can get better and faster results?


2.1 The platform.           











 The platform to learn English has to be friendly, usuful and very easy to manage but, mainly effective and scientific. Besides we have to include full speaking work.zzz

2.2 Características de la plataforma.


3. Tech-Evaluation







The best and fairest way to evaluate.

3.1 Effective backgrownd

  • On time.
  • Useful.
  • Productive.


4. Feedback










Effective, helpful and useful feedback.

Platform to teach English.

By Clever Valverde

Platform to teach English.

Find a new way to teach and learn English, make students learn in a natural way, neither grammar nor translation is necessary.

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