Carlos María Cornejo Crespo
Software craftsman. Big on devops and CI/CD
Repository Manager Service
Carlos Cornejo
eFinancialCareers 2015
mvn clean install -Psolr-profiles-config-delivery
mvn clean install -Psolr-profiles-config-delivery -Denvironment=pilot
Locating the main application class
Spring Boot favors Java-based configuration
@SpringBootApplication instead of:
You can create any spring configuration and/or include/exclude any other configurations as well
web pom to have reference to:
@RestController annotation (@Controller + @ResponseBody)
Create @Configuration that extends from WebMvcConfigurerAdapter
override only the methods they're interested in...
Using @ControllerAdvice and @ExceptionHandler
mvn clean test
mvn clean verify -Pintegration-test
By Carlos María Cornejo Crespo