"Don L. Milani"

joins the World Environment Day

Today is the World Environment Day

Seven billions of dreams. Only a planet.

Consume in moderation.

5 June

The World Environment Day is celebrated on 5 of June. It was established by ONU in 1972  to raise awareness about environmental themes. The President of ONU, Ban Ki Moon, said it’s very important to consume less energy, water and other resources, wasting less food and living so in a more eco-friendly world.

To make aware the public opinion about the environment EXPO was built in Milano. It consists of a series of pavillions divided according to their original country:so in each of them it is discussed about the food traditions from every regions of the Earth.

The Italian pavillion

Mediterranean area offers lots of beautiful landscapes and beaches visited by tourists from all over the world. Since Roman ages people have inhabited the Mediterranean coasts by adapting harmoniously with the surrounding environment. In the photos you can see the shots of the “Costiera Amalfitana”.

Unfortunately  in the past our region  used to be on  socials  for its bad trash management: rubbish ammasses on the streets and even on the fields, causing serious health problems to the inhabitants. But nowadays the situation is changing : any of us is fighting against this problem .

We are adopting lots of solutions  to solve the problem, such as respecting resources , recycling materials by separate collection of rubbish and avoiding buying what we don’t actually need.

World Environment Day

By co

World Environment Day

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