CSS Layout
Carl Hughes
Illustrations by
Workshop Details
- 20 minute run through of the history of CSS Layout
- 30 or 40 minute practical part, play with some examples complete some tasks. If you don't have a laptop try to work in pairs or groups with someone that does.
Clone this repo.
- Conclusion, final questions
Straw poll
Who has used ... for layout before?
- Not intended for page layout
- CSS Level 1 spec in 1996
- Widely used from 2004
- Not intended for page layout
[2] from css-tricks.com
- Grid items heights are not equalised
- Have to deal with clearing floats (responsive)
- CSS Level 2 spec in 1998
- No popular browser support until 2008/2009
- Can be used to vertically align items
- Not great for page layout (especially responsive)
- Not intended for page layout
- No popular browser support until 2008/2009
- Not intended for page layout
- unequal heights like float
- no need to clear floats!
- much better than floats for responsive layouts
- We do have to deal with whitespace!
- Fighting whitespace with inline-block elements
- First proposed as a W3C spec in 2009
- Is intended for page layout!
- Heralds the start of what Eric Meyer calls
'The era of intentional layout'
- Lay items out along a line (horizontally or vertically)
- Justify the items
- Control the start and end points of items
- Align items (Vertical center!)
- Change order independent of source
- Can be used to progressively enhance a layout made
with floats or inline-block
- Cannot do multi dimensional layout
Defined using the display property.
.container {
display: flex;
This makes all of its direct children elements flex. Now you can control those elements in a variety of ways.
- flex-direction
- flex-wrap
- justify-content
- align-items
- align-content
Flexbox lets you fill the available space. By default flex items height fill their container (equalised heights). They do what we have be achieving with floats and inline-block but are designed to to it.
one / multi dimensional layouts
- Float, inline-block, flexbox,
All only support one dimensional layouts. - Multi dimensional layouts can be achieved by nesting
one / multi dimensional layouts
- This is a one dimensional layout
- Just column spanning
one / multi dimensional layouts
- This is a also a one dimensional layout
- The items are just wrapped, essentially they are just one long line.
- Only column spans specified no row spans
one / multi dimensional layouts
- Multi dimensional layout
- It has both column and row and spanning
one / multi dimensional layouts
This multi dimensional layout could be constructed by creating three different grids and nesting them (floats, inline-block or flexbox)
CSS grid
- First public draft specification in 2011
- Put forward and developed by Microsoft. Early implementation in IE10, since then the spec has changed.
- Currently has to be turned on by flags in firefox, chrome and opera
- Is intended for page layout!
CSS grid
- Can do multi dimensional layout!
- Source order independence (be careful)
- Define the grid, then place items on it
CSS grid
- When defining a grid it helps to sketch it out to visualise it.
- You have to define margins (for now)
- Red numbers rows, green numbers (columns)
CSS grid
- display:grid
- define columns
- define rows
- 0.5em width margins
.grid {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: auto 0.5em auto;
grid-template-rows: auto 0.5em auto 0.5em auto;
CSS grid
- place nav on grid
- Comments show example using span keyword
- This example is using line based placement
.grid nav {
grid-column: 1 / 2;
grid-row: 1 / 4;
/* grid-column: 1 / span 1 */
/* grid-row: 1 / span 3 */
CSS grid
- place header on grid
- Comments show example using span keyword
- This example is using line based placement
.grid header {
grid-column: 3 / 4;
grid-row: 1 / 2;
/* grid-column: 3 / span 1; */
/* grid-row: 1 / span 1; */
CSS grid
- place aside on grid
- This example is using line based placement
.grid aside {
grid-column: 1 / 2;
grid-row: 5 / 6;
CSS grid
- place article on grid
- This example is using line based placement
.grid article {
grid-column: 3 / 4;
grid-row: 3 / 6;
CSS grid
other ways to layout grids:-
http://gridbyexample.com by Rachel Andrew is an excellent resource for exploring all the other properties and possibilities of grids.
Clone this repo.
30 or 40 minute practical part, play with some examples complete some tasks. If you don't have a laptop try to work in pairs or groups with someone that does.
Any questions?
CSS Layout
By codekipple
CSS Layout
- 3,682