pay & verify easily
As a buyer pay a product from online store does not seemless,
As a seller to verify transaction is not easy, seller should have to check internet banking to verify a payment. it will spend 1 - 3 minutes to get verify.
imagine the seller have more than 20 transaction per day.
they said "it's painful right",
so here is simple solution "KEYPAY"
a simple keyboard helper
to transfer money and
verify a payment easily
Online Seller & Buyer
sources : statista digital market outlok, ecommerse industry, januari 2017 | made by : we are social | Hootsuite
of indonesia internet users
Verify transactions easily with a single tap.
- Bank Transfer easily the keyboard, no need to open any the application.
- See Last transaction from the keyboard.
- Send payment information to seller.
In short
- Simple Keyboard
- Seller and Buyer helper
- Plug n play easy to integrated with any kind of product (eg : Vira, Mobile Banking BCA )
- Easy to use.
- Solved the seller problem, simplify the buyer tranfer.
Cheers ^_^
Thank you
As a seller to verify transaction is not easy, seller should have to check internet banking to verify a transaction. it will spend 1 - 3 minutes to get verify.
imagine the seller have more than 20 transaction per day.
they said "it's painful right",
so here is simple solution "KEYPAY"
As a buyer pay a product from online store does not easy,
Buyer should goes to ATM or login di internet banking , make a tranfers with token verification.
we are all know there is a way to pay seemlessly with Payment gateway but mostly buyer don't want to use payment gateway because of the fee (4.000 - 5.000)
on the buyer side, its expensive becuase there is sill have another courier fee to sending the product to buyer's home.
By Coderain
- 1,098