Relevanz von Legionellen

im Verteilnetz

Colin Schmid

Kantonales Labor Zürich and UZH Institute of
Medicinal Microbiology
Project lead:  Dr. Hans Peter Füchslin and
Prof. Dr. Hubert Hilbi





🥽 Introduction

🧫 Methods

📊 Results

🎙 Discussion

🚀 Future Directions

Legionellosis infections in the Cantons of Zürich and Ticino


Seasonality of incidence in Zürich,
Ticino is constantly high according to gov


Coincidence with seasonal change in temperatures

🥽 Introduction

Data provided by the Federal Office of Public Health FOPH - BAG

Why Ticino?

Data provided by the Federal Office of Public Health FOPH - BAG

Collaboration with two water suppliers in the cantons of Zürich and Ticino


The aim is quantification and isolation of Legionella in water supply networks.

🧫 Methods


Sample collection


Cultivation with APT

The LiVN Workflow


📊 Results

PCR Zurich (spp with a grain of salt, Lp has been described as "anecdotal")

PCR Ticino (individual stubs,
comparing strategies, Lp found but statistically unreliable, outlook)



ddPCR Zürich: Legionella species

ddPCR data Legionella species for Zürich: Copies per Liter for 5 sampling sites for ~6 months

ddPCR Zürich: Legionella pneumophila

ddPCR data Legionella pneumophila for Zürich: Copies per Liter for 5 sampling sites for ~6 months

Mycelium growing on millet grain substrate CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 2021 by Colin Schmid



PCR found 18 681 copies/L Legionella pneumophila in the hydrant that had 7900 copies/L in October

With MALDI-TOF no Legionella at all could be identified in an Amoebae Plate Test for this sample from December 6th.

🎙 Discussion

Refined Sample Collection


Established PCR


Amoebae Plate Test



🚀 Future Directions


Thanks for your attention. I'd be happy to answer your questions and hear your thoughts now.


you can reach my via mail:


Copy of LiVN - Relevanz von Legionellen im Verteilnetz

By Colin Schmid

Copy of LiVN - Relevanz von Legionellen im Verteilnetz

The joint project 'Relevanz von Legionellen im Verteilnetz' (LiVN) of the University of Zuerich, Institute of Modicinal Microbiology (IMM) and the Kantonales Labor Zuerich (KLZH), searches to investigate the relevance of legionella that have been detected in the water distribution network by means of ddPCR.

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