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Part 1: Setup Development  Environment

    1. Installing Node.js
    2. Installing Redis
    3. Installing WebStorm

Part 2: Exploring WebStorm

    1. Checkout GIT Project via WebStorm
    2. Setting up WebStorm For Express
    3. Running Express App with WebStorm
    4. Running Mocha with WebStorm
    5. Setting Breakpoints with WebStorm



Installing Node.js

Go to and click on the "INSTALL" button

This will download an MSI which you can use to install Node.js on your system. Once it's installed open a terminal (cmd.exe),  type "node" and hit enter. This will put you into the Node REPL. 

Installing Redis

Go to
and download

Unzip and move to an appropriate folder. To start the server double click redis-server. This will open a terminal window and start the server.

Installing WebStorm

Go to
and download the free trial.

(I'm assuming you can get a license code from IT)


Checking out a Project from Git

Open WebStorm and choose "Checkout from Version Control"

Choose which type of VCS

Enter Your Account Details

Hint: The first time it will ask you to set a master password.

Fork The Demo Repo

Go to  this repository and fork it:

Choose A Project to Checkout

Choose the repository you just forked.

Setup Run/Debug Configuration

Click the dropdown button next to the run icon.

Hint: Choose "Edit Configuration"

Setup Node.js Express App

Click the "+" icon and choose Node.js

Setup Node.js Express App

Enter a Name, The Javascript File (app.js) and Click OK

Setup Mocha Configuration

Click the "+" icon and choose "Mocha"

Setup Mocha Configuration

Enter "Tests" for Name, Choose the "test" directory and Click "OK"

Mark Test Directory

Install Dependancies

Under "Tools" menu choose "Open Terminal"

Enter "npm install" to install the dependancies.

Start Express

Choose "Express App" Configuration and click the run icon

Open Your Browser

Go to http://localhost:3000

Yippee!!! It worked!



Create a RESTful Web Service

for /api/users

The users are stored in Redis. You will first need to make a 
request for the "users" set to get the keys for each user. 
Then map those keys to user hash records.

The Test

var config = require('./fixtures/config');
var request = require('request');
var expect = require('chai').expect;

describe('GET /api/users', function () {
  // The URL we are testing
  var url = 'http://localhost:5555/api/users';
  var options = { json: true };
  it('should successfully return users', function (done) {
    request.get(url, options, function (err, resp, body) {
      body.forEach(function (user) {
      done(); // Don't forget to call done!
Create a file named "get-api-users.js" in the test directory

Run the test and see it fail.

Change the run/debug config to "Tests" then click the run icon.

You should get 1 failing test.

Set the tests to auto run.

1. Click the auto run icon to run the test every time your code changes

2. Click the "configure icon" to change the "auto test delay". 
By default it's set to 3 seconds which can be really annoying.

Create Passing Code

Put the following code in routes/api/users/index.js
var api = {};
var redis = require('redis');
var client = redis.createClient();
var async = require('async');

module.exports = function (app) {
  app.get('/api/users', api.list);

api.list = function (req, res, next) {
  client.smembers('users', function (err, resp) {
    if (err) return next(err);, client.hgetall.bind(client), function (err, users) {
      if (err) return next(err);
      res.send(200, users);
Then add the following code to app.js on line 45

Yippie! Green Tests!

Debugging with Breakpoints

Start up the Express App by changing the 
configuration to "Express App" and clicking the run icon.

Then visit http://localhost:3000/api/totals

OMG! An Error!

Reading the error it's hard to tell what the issue is. From initial glance it appears that a float doesn't have the "toFixed" method.

What the heck? It should!

(If we could only inspect the value)

Setting a Breakpoint

Click the file name to go to the offending line.
Then click the gutter next to the line you want to inspect

Debug the "Express App"

Click the "debug" icon next to the "run" icon to start the debugger.

Reload the Page

Once you reload the page WebStorm will halt the execution of the script on the breakpoint and open the frame for inspection.

There's the Problem!

Redis returns the all values as strings, we were expecting a float.
Easy Fix... change the line to the following:
res.send(200, parseFloat(total).toFixed(2));
Restart the debugger by clicking the rerun icon.


Everything is working again!

Installing NPM Modules


It won't update your "package.json" with the modules you add to your project. Instead use the built-in terminal to install modules. 
npm install --save {module-name}

WebStorm is a feature rich IDE. 

Here are a few things you should checkout:

    Live Templates

      Coding Style  

        Refactor This...

          Git Integration

            Test RESTful Web Services


            Developing Node.js With WebStorm

            By Eric Schoffstall

            Developing Node.js With WebStorm

            • 9,397