

Powering People Analytics.

HR strategies are not evolving at a rate consistent with organizational change.

Analytics would help, but it can't help.

HR strategies are not evolving at a rate consistent with organizational change.

Poor, slow moving data | Inadequate tools | Talent shortage​ 


People data is the new black gold.

... and the VP of HR knows it.

PeopleFlow's Data Refinery delivers

reliable people analytics data. Our Insights 

answer critical questions, and our

Collaboration Portal simplifies

HR  workflow.

Early Adopter Results:

Corey Butler

Venture Technologist. 1st startup in college. Bootstrapped DW/BI & Web consulting biz to $600K. Consulted for Amazon, Atlassian, Constant Contact, Baxter, RR Donnelley, 100+ others.

Mike West

People Analytics Research & Development. Founding Analyst, People Analytics @Google. People Analytics kickstarter for leading companies: Merck, PetSmart, Google, Otsuka, Children's Medical, & Jawbone.

Billiions of People

Millions of HR Professionals

Thousands of HR Systems Professionals

10-20 People Analytics Specialists

Only 1 was in People Analytics at Google.


It's not really fair...


Billiions of People

Millions of Developers

Hundreds of Thousands of Consultants

Thousands of

BI Specialists

Tech Multi-Award Winners


Only 1 has done it all in the enterprise

and ranks among Github's top 1%.


By Corey Butler


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