KubeCon 2019 Follow-up
By Corey Gale
Random Keynote Notes
- According to the Linux foundation, eBPF will be replacing iptables in Linux
- K8s is young (5 years public usage)
- Arm sponsoring CNCF
- 150B+ Arm-based chips shipped
- “Cloud Native on Arm”
- Edge-to-cloud
- New jobs board: jobs.cncf.io
- KubernetesCommunityDays.org
Random Keynote Notes Cont'
K8s v1.16
CRDs reach GA
Metrics overhaul
CSI enhancements
Clone volumes
Inline volume support in beta (good for ephemeral attachments)
Ephemeral containers (alpha feature)
Can attach to a running pod
Example: tcpdump, filesystem inspection
Needs to be turned on
CNCF Project Updates
Requirements for graduation: adoption, maintainer diversity, project health
Vitess (graduated)
Cloud native DB, super scalable, reliable (5 9s)
35% of Slack is on Vitess, 100% by end of 2020
JD.com uses Vitness @ 35M QPS (30k pods, 4k keyspaces)
LinkerD (incubating)
- Canary rollout feature
- Request tracing
- Helm (incubating)
- Critical mass: 1M downloads/month, 600 contributors, 29 maintainers, 15 companies
CNCF Project Updates Cont'
Jaeger (graduated)
Open Policy Agent (OPA) (incubating)
Decouples policy definitions and environment/enforcement
Flexible, fine-grained control across the stack
Side-car or host-level daemon
Declarative policy language: Rego
Etcd (incubating)
Can now scale up to 5000 node k8s clusters
CNCF Project Updates Cont'
Cloud-native messaging service
Scalable services and streams
Tinder used NATS to migrate poll workloads to push
Added Prometheus exporters & Grafana dashboards
FluentD, Kafka integrations
Goal: connect everything
Low Latency Multi-cluster Networking with Kubernetes
- Lyft (talk link)
- Scale: 100+ stateless microservices, 10K+ pods
ML: 5k+ pods, 10k+ cores
Ridesharing: 100k+ containers (sidecars), 50k+ cores
Lyft CNI stack requirements: VPC native, low latency, high throughput
No overlay network, very low IPvlan overhead
Envoy Manager (EM): side-cars connect to EM
- Not looking to add significant features
Cortex 101: Horizontally Scalable Long Term Storage for Prometheus
- Splunk (talk link)
- System: Prometheus > distributor > ingestor (talks to etcd/Consul) > store
Long term storage options: DynamoDB, Google Big Table, S3, Google Cloud Storage, Cassandra
Includes tools for auto-scaling LTS
What’s new?
Ingestors can ship blocks instead of chunks
Write-ahead logging for ingestors
- Mentioned Thanos
Towards Continuous Computer Vision Model Improvement with Kubeflow
- Snap Inc. (talk link)
- Scale: 3.5 billions snaps/day, 210 million daily active users, 600k lenses created
- Your model is only as good as your training data
Problem: we need more labeled data, but what kind of data exactly?
Solution: The Loop workflow (see slide shot)
Uses Sage Maker ground truths
- Case study: pipeline orchestrator comparisons
Scaling Kubernetes to Thousands of Nodes Across Multiple Clusters, Calmly
- AirBnB (talk link)
- Re: cluster size: hard limit of 5000 nodes
- You can definitely probably do 2500
- “Yeah, things get a lot more difficult after 2500” - various conversations
- Alibaba recently got a 10000 node cluster working with a lot of extra work
Limit: etcd OOM’ing, fixed in etdc v3
~2300 nodes/cluster AirBnB’s max
Approach: workloads can be scheduled on any cluster
GitOps User Stories
Weaveworks, Intuit, Palo Alto Networks (talk link)
Argo Flux
Weaveworks-Intuit-AWS collaboration
Helm 3 Deep Dive
Microsoft & IBM (talk link)
Helm 3 announced. Major changes:
No more Tiller
- Chart repository: Helm Hub
Release "upgrade" strategy
Testing framework
Dependencies moved into manifest
Chart value validation
“3-way merge”
Considers old manifest, new manifest and current values (addresses manually updated values)
Releases stored as secrets in the same namespace as the release
Kubernetes at Reddit: Tales from Production
- Reddit (talk link)
Reddit scale:
500M+ monthly active users
16M+ posts, 2.8B+ votes per month
- Before: 1 cluster per region (3 AZs)
After: 1 cluster per AZ (3 clusters per region)
What went well:
Cost and latency savings from silo’d AZs.
Mirrored clusters have prevented outages.
- What didn’t:
More clusters, more admin overhead.
Other Talks I Attended
- Use Your Favorite Developer Tools in Kubernetes With Telepresence
- Improving Performance of Deep Learning Workloads With Volcano
- How Kubernetes Components Communicate Securely in Your Cluster
- The Gotchas of Zero-Downtime Traffic w/Kubernetes
- Solving Multi-Cluster Network Connectivity With Submariner
My Raw Notes
- Google Doc
- Notes for every talk I attended
- Slide decks linked when provided
KubeCon 2019
By Corey Gale
KubeCon 2019
- 870