Lets Collaborate
Plans & Ideas
Metrics & Edit activity
- Analyse the edit activity with metrics like n edits/month (The data & the graphs have already been generated.)
- Similarly analyse bytes added.
- Compare across languages, cohorts, new comers vs experienced etc.
Content in an edit
- Look at the content of edits like citations, images, text, sections etc and do a cohort analysis on them.
- Who is adding them & when and at what experience levels? Are tools like VE making it easier?
- Are there specific cohorts or individuals doing all of it?
And similarly do the above for articles.
Links to the questions & Ideas
How Can I help?
- I can help in identifying the key indicators. (I've run a lot of experiments)
- Help in getting the data & engineering the data pipelines.
- Build the data visualizations :-)
Use & experiment with a lot of different metrics & thresholds.
Metric / Threshold
Cohort Graphs
Visually analyse & inspect over the entire lifetime of the wiki & the cohorts.
Relevant Links
Help needed
- Interpreting & Analysis
- UI/UX - make the results interactive, consumable and accessible.
- New ideas to graph.
- How do we get an impact out of the work?
Let's Collaborate
By cosmiclattes
Let's Collaborate
- 1,062