Evaluation Question 2 Part 4 

Ancillary Task - Poster

When it came to the designing process of one of my ancillary tasks, my poster, I used a software called Fodey.  

 This software was very convenient for me, it allowed me to simulate endless amounts of headlines which I needed in order to complete my poster, and I individually typed in all of my chosen headlines and let the software generate them for me.

The process when creating the headlines is fairly simple, the first step is to type in your chosen headline, the software then creates it for you, save the image they have provided; after this I opened each of the saved images on Photoshop where I cropped them down and edited them into my desired shape.

I found the headlines which I used online from already existing newspapers for the sake of authenticity; they also fit in with Galtung and Ruge's theory of News Values in the way they appeal to a local audience.

It links in particularly well with one of the several conditions they wrote about, familiarity. Because I am writing stories about local happenings, this is giving my reader a sense of already existing knowledge, allowing them to already have a feel for the story and feel maybe connected to it in some way.

Evaluation Question 2 - Part 4

By courteneyharding

Evaluation Question 2 - Part 4

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