How Students Behave in Personalized Adaptive Courses
Colm Howlin
Principal Researcher
An Adaptive Learning Partnership
A Model of School Learning
John Carroll 1963, Teachers College Record
If Learning is fixed - Time Needed will vary
If Time is fixed - Learning will vary
Student Behaviors
Automated detection of behaviors
Intervention Strategies
What are effective intervention strategies in a system with full or partial student agency?
How do we teach students to be successful self-regulated adaptive learners?
- We have taken the approach of build it, give it to them, and they will figure it out.
- Can we improve student outcomes by teaching them to self-regulated adaptive learners?
- How do we strike a balance between self-regulated versus expert-assisted versus machine-guided learning?
Does experience built in traditional settings transfer to adaptive learning?
Are there some behaviors that should be avoided?
Do some lead to better outcomes or retention of knowledge?
Do some have an impact on other aspects of learning?
Howlin, C. and Dziuban, C. (2019) Detecting Outlier Behaviors in Student Progress Trajectories Using a Repeated Fuzzy Clustering Approach. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Educational Data Mining -
Dziuban, C., Howlin, C., Johnson, C., & Moskal, P. (2017, December 18). An Adaptive Learning Partnership. EDUCAUSE Review:
Dziuban, C., Howlin, C., Moskal, P., Johnson, C., Parker, L., & Campbell, M. (2018). Adaptive learning: A stabilizing influence across disciplines and universities. Online Learning, 22(3), 7-39.
Dziuban, C., Howlin, C., Moskal, P., Johnson, C., Eid, M., Kmetz, B. (2019). Adaptive Learning: Context and Complexity. E-mentor, 5(77),
Useful Links & References
UNC System Digital Learning Webinar - Jan 2020
By Colm Howlin
UNC System Digital Learning Webinar - Jan 2020
A webinar presented to the UNC System as part of their Digital Learning Webinar series. January 24th, 2020
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