How Students Behave in Personalized Adaptive Courses

Colm Howlin

Principal Researcher


An Adaptive Learning Partnership 

A Model of School Learning

John Carroll 1963, Teachers College Record

Degree\,of\,Learning = f\left(\frac{Time\,Spent}{Time\,Needed}\right)

If Learning is fixed - Time Needed will vary

If Time is fixed - Learning will vary

Student Behaviors


Intermediate and College Algebra

Automated detection of behaviors

Intervention Strategies

What are effective intervention strategies in a system with full or partial student agency?


How do we teach students to be successful self-regulated adaptive learners?

  • We have taken the approach of build it, give it to them, and they will figure it out.
  • Can we improve student outcomes by teaching them to self-regulated adaptive learners?
  • How do we strike a balance between self-regulated versus expert-assisted versus machine-guided learning? 
  • Does experience built in traditional settings transfer to adaptive learning?

  • Are there some behaviors that should be avoided?

  • Do some lead to better outcomes or retention of knowledge?

  • Do some have an impact on other aspects of learning?

Useful Links & References

UNC System Digital Learning Webinar - Jan 2020

By Colm Howlin

UNC System Digital Learning Webinar - Jan 2020

A webinar presented to the UNC System as part of their Digital Learning Webinar series. January 24th, 2020

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