Dialogue Interventions
One of our dilemmas within complex realities of
interlinked social issues, that we all have conditions...
…that make us focus on certain aspects
…while our reality is complex.
Indiv. A
Indiv. B
…around shared values
…and engage in dialogue…
dialogue that makes us perceive issues
beyond our levels of awareness.
Indiv. A
Indiv. B
We can choose to intentionally create an open space between us…
…we have the potential to see the larger picture.
When people of diverse background connect…
Yet seeing the larger picture does not happen by itself.
It needs aligning around core values…
and creating a dialogue flow that gives each one validation,
respect and equal airtime.
We can feel isolated from each other in our different views.
Dialogue can open an empathic bridge…
…that can allow us to glimpse the interwoven larger picture
As an individual we often single focus
and miss the larger picture.
Developing Life Skills through the Power of Dialogue
Dialogue Interventions
By crossingborderseducation
Dialogue Interventions
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