Vortex Flow

Collective Transformation Processes

Our societies and communities are complex.
Constructive communication is undermined through polarization and division.


Empathic Dialogue has the power to overcome divisive atmospheres.
In dialogue we practice openness, inclusiveness
and trust building around shared values.

Empathic Dialogue can come alive in these key areas:

In each area we continuously practice

different core skills and character strengths.

In Deep Listening we practice:


Curiosity for other perspectives

Openness to grow

Validation for the other

In Intentional Sharing we practice:

Courage to share openly

Consideration for others’ feelings

Participation to serve the group

In 'Flowing between Skills' we practice:

Commitment to shared values

Empathy for the other

Focus on complementary skills

"Trust is a fragile thing.
Once earned, it affords us tremendous freedom."

Mary Alice Young

Vortex Flow

By crossingborderseducation

Vortex Flow

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