Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence is
the ability to recognize, identify, and use your emotions
linked with the capacity to respect others’ emotions
in order to create positive relations.

Emotional intelligence can be observed in four abilities:
Perceiving emotions in self and others
Understanding emotions in self and others
Managing emotions in oneself
Applying emotions in diverse situations

Emotional Intelligence can help us to:
Understand better interpersonal dynamics
Make wiser personal choices
Respond to life in more balanced ways that integrate emotions

Emotional Intelligence
is in society positively correlated* with:
Healthier personal relationships
Decreased abusive interactions (e.g. bullying)
(* Research published in the journal Annual Psychology)
Increased skills and achievements
Strengthened psychological well-being (e.g. life satisfaction)

"It is important to understand that emotional intelligence is not the triumph of heart over head -
it is the unique intersection of both."
David Caruso

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