On Diversity

Our Community is shaped

by following Values and Actions:


We nurture a Culture of Dialogue across Differences

by engaging curiosity, empathy, and emotional intelligence.

We support each other to respond actively

to oversimplifications and divisions within society.

Learning through Difference

We grow awareness that Dialogue is an Art

which must be cultivated to span division.

We affirm that conflict is naturally frightening

as it can be the death of relationship.

Transforming Conflict

Yet, we belief that conflict can be the rebirth of relationship,

when we learn to process it constructively.

We believe that:

Many of us together

Nurturing Community

are smarter, wiser and more original

than Any of us alone.

(Inspired by Seth Godin)

We uphold that:

Difference is a Fact.

Connection is a Choice.

Celebrating Diversity

Belonging is a Practice.

(Inspired by Tamara Thorpe)

OUR VALUES (Part 3) On Diversity

By crossingborderseducation

OUR VALUES (Part 3) On Diversity

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