Advanced C++ Programming
Week 3.1
Class Types
- Scope
- Class Types
Assignment 1 / Other:
- Creating a new directory (+CMakeLists)
- Creating and running a new single file
- Committing those changes with git
- Questions about ass1 (might do at end)
Today we are covering
The scope of a variable is the part of the program where it is accessible
- Scope starts at variable definition
- Scope (usually) ends at next "}"
- You're probably familiar with this even if you've never seen the term
- Define variables as close to first usage as possible
This is the opposite of what you were taught in first year undergrad
- Defining all variables at the top is especially bad in C++
#include <iostream>
int i = 1;
int main() {
std::cout << i << "\n";
if (i > 0) {
int i = 2;
std::cout << i << "\n";
int i = 3;
std::cout << i << "\n";
std::cout << i << "\n";
std::cout << i << "\n";
Object Lifetimes
An object is a piece of memory of a specific type that holds some data
- All variables are objects
- Unlike many other languages, this does not add overhead
Object lifetime starts when it comes in scope
- "Constructs" the object
- Each type has 1 or more constructor that says how to construct it
Object lifetime ends when it goes out of scope
- "Destructs" the object
- Each type has a different "destructor" which tells the compiler how to destroy it
This is the behavior that primitive types follow, but you probably knew that intuitively. With classes, we tend to think a bit more explicitly about it.
- Eg.
- Generally use () to call functions, and {} to construct objects
- () can only be used for functions, and {} can be used for either
There are some rare occasions these are different
- Sometimes it is ambiguous between a constructor and an initialize list
auto main() -> int {
// Always use auto on the left for this course, but you may see this elsewhere.
std::vector<int> v11; // Calls 0-argument constructor. Creates empty vector.
// There's no difference between these:
// T variable = T{arg1, arg2, ...}
// T variable{arg1, arg2, ...}
auto v12 = std::vector<int>{}; // No different to first
auto v13 = std::vector<int>(); // No different to the first
auto v2 = std::vector<int>{v11.begin(), v11.end()}; // A copy of v11.
auto v3 = std::vector<int>{v2}; // A copy of v2.
} // v2 and v3 destructors are called here
auto v41 = std::vector<int>{5, 2}; // Initialiser-list constructor {5, 2}
auto v42 = std::vector<int>(5, 2); // Count + value constructor (5 * 2 => {2, 2, 2, 2, 2})
} // v11, v12, v13, v41, v42 destructors called here
Also works for your basic types
But the default constructor has to be manually called
- This potential bug can be hard to detect due to how function stacks work (variable may happen to be 0)
- Can be especially problematic with pointers
But the default constructor has to be manually called
#include <iostream>
double f() {
return 1.1;
int main() {
// One of the reasons we do auto is to avoid ununitialized values.
// int n; // Not initialized (memory contains previous value)
int n21{}; // Default constructor (memory contains 0)
auto n22 = int{}; // Default constructor (memory contains 0)
auto n3{5};
// Not obvious you know that f() is not an int, but the compiler lets it through.
// int n43 = f();
// Not obvious you know that f() is not an int, and the compiler won't let you (narrowing
// conversion)
// auto n41 = int{f()};
// Good code. Clear you understand what you're doing.
auto n42 = static_cast<int>(f());
// std::cout << n << "\n";
std::cout << n21 << "\n";
std::cout << n22 << "\n";
std::cout << n3 << "\n";
std::cout << n42 << "\n";
Why are object lifetimes useful?
Can you think of a thing where you always have to remember to do something when you're done?
void ReadWords(const std::string& filename) {
std::ifstream f{filename};
std::vector<std::string> words;
std::copy(std::istream_iterator<std::string>{f}, {}, std::back_inserter{words});
- What happens if we omit f.close() here (assume similar behavior to c/java/python)?
- How easy to spot is the mistake
How easy would it be for a compiler to spot this mistake for us?
- How would it know where to put the f.close()?
// lexicon.hpp
namespace lexicon {
std::vector<std::string> read_lexicon(std::string const& path);
void write_lexicon(std::vector<std::string> const&, std::string const& path);
} // namespace lexicon
Used to express that names belong together.
Prevent similar names from clashing.
// word_ladder.hpp
namespace word_ladder {
absl::flat_hash_set<std::string> read_lexicon(std::string const& path);
} // namespace word_ladder
// word_ladder.hpp
namespace word_ladder {
absl::flat_hash_set<std::string> read_lexicon(std::string const& path);
} // namespace word_ladder
// read_lexicon.cpp
namespace word_ladder {
absl::flat_hash_set<std::string> read_lexicon(std::string const& path) {
// open file...
// read file into flat_hash_set...
// return flat_hash_set
} // namespace word_ladder
Nested namespaces
namespace comp6771::word_ladder {
word_ladder(std::string const& from, std::string const& to);
} // namespace comp6771::word_ladder
namespace comp6771 {
// ...
namespace word_ladder {
word_ladder(std::string const& from, std::string const& to);
} // namespace word_ladder
} // namespace comp6771
Prefer top-level and occasionally two-tier namespaces to multi-tier.
It's okay to own multiple namespaces per project, if they logically separate things.
Unnamed namespaces
In C you had static functions that made functions local to a file.
C++ uses "unnamed" namespaces to achieve the same effect.
Functions that you don't want in your public interface should be put into unnamed namespaces.
namespace word_ladder {
namespace {
bool valid_word(std::string const& word);
} // namespace
} // namespace word_ladder
Unlike named namespaces, it's okay to nest unnamed namespaces.
Namespace aliases
namespace views = ranges::views;
namespace chrono = std::chrono;
Gives a namespace a new name. Often good for shortening nested namespaces.
Always fully qualify your function calls...
int main() {
auto const x = 10.0;
auto const x2 = std::pow(x, 2);
auto const ladders = word_ladder::generate("at", "it");
auto const x2_as_int = gsl_lite::narrow_cast<int>(x2);
There are certain complex rules about how overload resolution works that will surprise you, so it's a best practice to always fully-qualify your function calls.
Using a namespace alias counts as "fully-qualified" only if the alias was fully qualified.
...even if you're in the same namespace
namespace word_ladder {
namespace {
bool valid_word(std::string const& word);
} // namespace
generate(std::string const& from, std::string const& to) {
// ...
auto const result = word_ladder::valid_word(word);
// ...
} // namespace word_ladder
There are certain complex rules about how overload resolution works that will surprise you, so it's a best practice to always fully-qualify your function calls.
Using a namespace alias counts as "fully-qualified" only if the alias was fully qualified.
...even if you're in the same nested namespace
namespace word_ladder::something::very_long {
namespace {
bool valid_word(std::string const& word);
} // namespace
generate(std::string const& from, std::string const& to) {
// ...
auto const result = word_ladder::something::very_long::valid_word(word);
// ...
} // namespace word_ladder
There are certain complex rules about how overload resolution works that will surprise you, so it's a best practice to always fully-qualify your function calls.
Using a namespace alias counts as "fully-qualified" only if the alias was fully qualified.
What is OOP
A class uses data abstraction and encapsulation to define an abstract data type:
- Interface: the operations used by the user (an API)
- Implementation: the data members the bodies of the functions in the interface and any other functions not intended for general use
Abstraction: separation of interface from implementation
- Useful as class implementation can change over time
- Encapsulation: enforcement of this via information hiding
Example: Bookstore :
- bookstore.h (interface)
- bookstore.cpp (implementation)
- bookstore_main.cpp (knows the interface).
C++ classes
Since you've completed COMP2511 (or equivalent), C++ classes should be pretty straightforward and at a high level follow very similar principles.
A class:
- Defines a new type
- Is created using the keywords class or struct
- May define some members (functions, data)
- Contains zero or more public and private sections
- Is instantiated through a constructor
A member function:
- must be declared inside the class
- may be defined inside the class (it is then inline by default)
- may be declared const, when it doesn’t modify the data members
- The data members should be private, representing the state of an object.
Member access control
This is how we support encapsulation and information hiding in C++
class foo {
// Members accessible by everyone
foo(); // The default constructor.
// Members accessible by members, friends, and subclasses
// Will discuss this when we do advanced OOP in future weeks.
// Accessible only by members and friends
void private_member_function();
int private_data_member_;
// May define multiple sections of the same name
A simple example
C++ classes behave how you expect
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class person {
person(std::string const& name, int age);
auto get_name() -> std::string const&;
auto get_age() -> int const&;
std::string name_;
int age_;
person::person(std::string const& name, int const age) {
name_ = name;
age_ = age;
auto person::get_name() -> std::string const& {
return name_;
auto person::get_age() -> int const& {
return age_;
auto main() -> int {
person p("Hayden", 99);
std::cout << p.get_name() << "\n";
Classes and structs in C++
- A class and a struct in C++ are almost exactly the same
- The only difference is that:
- All members of a struct are public by default
- All members of a class are private by default
- People have all sorts of funny ideas about this. This is the only difference
- We use structs only when we want a simple type with little or no methods and direct access to the data members (as a matter of style)
- This is a semantic difference, not a technical one
- A std::pair or std::tuple may be what you want, though
class foo {
int member_; // default private
struct foo {
int member_; // default public
Class Scope
Anything declared inside the class needs to be accessed through the scope of the class
- Scopes are accessed using "::" in C++
// foo.h
class Foo {
// Equiv to typedef int Age
using Age = int;
Foo(std::istream& is);
void member_function();
// foo.cpp
#include "foo.h"
Foo::Foo() {
Foo::Foo(std::istream& is) {
Foo::~Foo() {
void Foo::member_function() {
Foo::Age age;
// Also valid, since we are inside the Foo scope.
Age age;
Incomplete types
- An incomplete type may only be used to define pointers and references, and in function declarations (but not definitions)
- Because of the restriction on incomplete types, a class cannot have data members of its own type.
- But the following is legal, since a class is considered declared once its class name has been seen:
struct node {
int data;
// Node is incomplete - this is invalid
// This would also make no sense. What is sizeof(Node)
node next;
struct node {
int data;
node* next;
- Constructors define how class data members are initalised
- A constructor has the same name as the class and no return type
- Default initalisation is handled through the default constructor
Unless we define our own constructors the compile will declare a default constructor
- This is known as the synthesized default constructor
for each data member in declaration order
if it has an in-class initialiser
Initialise it using the in-class initialiser
else if it is of a built-in type (numeric, pointer, bool, char, etc.)
do nothing (leave it as whatever was in memory before)
Initialise it using its default constructor
The synthesized default constructor
- Is generated for a class only if it declares no constructors
For each member, calls the in-class initialiser if present
- Otherwise calls the default constructor (except for trivial types like int)
- Cannot be generated when any data members are missing both in-class initialisers and default constructors
class C {
int i_{0}; // in-class initialiser
int j_; // Untouched memory
A a_;
// This stops default constructor
// from being synthesized.
B b_;
class A {
int a_;
class B {
B(int b): b_{b} {}
int b_;
Constructor initialiser list
- The initialisation phase occurs before the body of the constructor is executed, regardless of whether the initialiser list is supplied
- A constructor will:
- Construct all data members in order of member declaration (using the same rules as those used to initialise variables)
- Execute the body of constructor: the code may assign values to the data members to override the initial values
#include <string>
class nodefault {
explicit nodefault(int i)
: i_{i} {}
int i_;
int const b_default = 5;
class b {
// Constructs s_ with value "Hello world"
explicit b(int& i)
: s_{"Hello world"} , const_{b_default} , no_default_{i} , ref_{i} {}
// Doesn't work - constructed in order of member declaration.
/*explicit b(int& i)
: s_{"Hello world"} , const_{5} , ref_{i} , no_default_{ref_} {}*/
/*explicit b(int& i) {
// Constructs s_ with an empty string, then reassigns it to "Hello world"
// Extra work done (but may be optimised out).
s_ = "Hello world";
// Fails to compile (modifying a const object).
const_string_ = "Goodbye world";
// Fails to compile (references *must* be initialized in the constructor).
ref_ = i;
// This is fine, but it can't construct it initially.
no_default_ = nodefault{1};
std::string s_;
// All of these will break compilation if you attempt to put them in the body.
const int const_;
nodefault no_default_;
int& ref_;
Delegating constructors
- A constructor may call another constructor inside the initialiser list
- Since the other constructor must construct all the data members, do not specify anything else in the constructor initialiser list
- The other constructor is called completely before this one.
- This is one of the few good uses for default values in C++
- Default values may be used instead of overloading and delegating constructors
Delegating constructors
#include <string>
class dummy {
explicit dummy(int const& i)
: s_{"Hello world"}
, val_{i} {}
explicit dummy()
: dummy(5) {}
std::string const& get_s() {
return s_;
int get_val() {
return val_;
std::string s_;
const int val_;
auto main() -> int {
dummy d1(5);
dummy d2{};
- Called when the object goes out of scope
- What might this be handy for?
- Why might destructors be handy?
- Freeing pointers
- Closing files
- Unlocking mutexes (from multithreading)
- Aborting database transactions
class MyClass {
~MyClass() noexcept;
MyClass::~MyClass() noexcept {
// Definition here
Explicit type conversions
- If a constructor for a class has 1 parameter, the compiler will create an implicit type conversion from the parameter to the class
This may be the behaviour you want (but usually not)
- You have to opt-out of this implicit type conversion with the explicit keyword
class age {
age(int age)
: age_{age} {}
int age_;
auto main() -> int {
// Explicitly calling the constructor
age a1{20};
// Explicitly calling the constructor
age a2 = age{20};
// Attempts to use an integer
// where an age is expected.
// Implicit conversion done.
// This seems reasonable.
age a3 = 20;
#include <vector>
class intvec {
// This one allows the implicit conversion
// intvec(std::vector<int>::size_type length)
// : vec_(length, 0);
// This one disallows it.
explicit intvec(std::vector<int>::size_type length)
: vec_(length, 0) {}
std::vector<int> vec_;
auto main() -> int {
int const size = 20;
// Explictly calling the constructor.
intvec container1{size}; // Construction
intvec container2 = intvec{size}; // Assignment
// Implicit conversion.
// Probably not what we want.
// intvec container3 = size;
Const objects
Member functions are by default only be possible on non-const objects
- You can declare a const member function which is valid on const objects
A const member function may only modify mutable members
- A mutable member should mean that the state of the member can change without the state of the object changing
- Good uses of mutable members are rare
- Mutable is not something you should set lightly
- One example where it might be useful is a cache
Const member functions
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class person {
person(std::string const& name) : name_{name} {}
auto set_name(std::string const& name) -> void {
name_ = name;
auto get_name() -> std::string const& {
return name_;
std::string name_;
auto main() -> int {
person p1{"Hayden"};
std::cout << p1.get_name() << "\n";
person const p1{"Hayden"};
p1.set_name("Chris"); // WILL NOT WORK... WHY NOT?
std::cout << p1.get_name() << "\n"; // WILL NOT WORK... WHY NOT?
This pointer
A member function has an extra implicit parameter, named this
- This is a pointer to the object on behalf of which the function is called
- A member function does not explicitly define it, but may explicitly use it
- The compiler treats an unqualified reference to a class member as being made through the this pointer.
- For the next few slides, we'll be taking a look at the BookSale example in the course repo
class foo {
foo(int const miles) {
this->kilometres_ = miles / 1.159;
int kilometres_; // default private
class foo {
foo(int const miles) {
kilometres_ = miles / 1.159;
int kilometres_; // default private
Static members
- Static functions and members belong to the class (i.e. every object), as opposed to a particular object.
These are essentially globals defined inside the scope of the class
- Use static members when something is associated with a class, but not a particular instance
- Static data has global lifetime (program start to program end)
// For use with a database
class user {
user(std::string const& name) : name_{name} {}
static auto valid_name(std::string const& name) -> bool {
return name.length() < 20;
std::string name_;
auto main() -> int {
auto n = std::string{"Santa Clause"};
if (user::valid_name(n)) {
user user1{n};
OOP design
- There are several special functions that we must consider when designing classes
For each of these functions, ask yourself:
- Is it sane to be able to do this? Does it have a defined, obvious implementation?
- If the answer to either of these is no, write "<function declaration> = delete;"
Then ask yourself "is this the behaviour of the compiler-synthesized one"
- If so, write "<function declaration> = default;"
- If not, write your own definition
- Revise "The synthesized default constructor"
#include <vector>
class intvec {
// This one allows the implicit conversion
explicit intvec(std::vector<int>::size_type length)
: vec_(length, 0) {}
// intvec(intvec const& v) = default;
// intvec(intvec const& v) = delete;
std::vector<int> vec_;
auto main() -> int {
intvec a{4};
// intvec b{a}; // Will this work?
COMP6771 20T2 - 3.1 - Class Types
By cs6771
COMP6771 20T2 - 3.1 - Class Types
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