Gone Phishin'

How hackers trick you into giving up sensitive info

Types of Phishing

In any case, they rely on YOU giving them more info

Deceptive Phishing
- Fake email from Amazon warning of a security threat, the link takes you to amazon.account.com

Spear Phishing
- An email from an old classmate who attatched an old photo on gdrive

CEO fraud
- The head of your office asks you to send him a sensitive document asap

Types of Phishing

- You visit gmail on public wifi, but didn't look carefully at the HTTPS certifaction

Dropbox/GDrive Phishing
- dropbox.com asks you to signnin, the cert looks good but you ignore the long URL string.
Spot the phish!
Spot the phish!
Spot the phish!
Spot the phish!
What to do?




By cypurr


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