David Sánchez
Software Engineer. Passionate about technology. Developer by passion. Making cool things at @ubidots
Return Value
function MyComponent({ foo, bar }) {
return (<p>Foo: {foo}, bar {bar}</p>)
function MyComponent({ foo, bar }) {
const message = `Foo: ${foo}, bar: ${bar}`;
return React.createElement('p', { children: message });
Let's checkout: https://kutt.it/wlFx6T
* Take his book with a pinch of salt
The first rule of functions is that they should be small. The second rule of functions is that they should be smaller than that”
Clean Code - Robert C. Martin - Chapter 3
Favor Composition over Class Inheritance
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software - GoF - Chapter 1
By David Sánchez
Software Engineer. Passionate about technology. Developer by passion. Making cool things at @ubidots